Birthday p1

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HEY GUYS!!! Some of you guys noticed I took out the kiss scene in the previous chapter because of an editing error...SO THIS IS ME NOW INTRODUCING THE SCENE!!!

 "I'm saying that after this weekend, I want you to go home to Millan. Work, see your friends, family, and do whatever you need to do to come back to me. I want you back by my side. If it means waiting years, so be it. I'm not letting you go."

His words replayed in my head, even in my sleep. Before the trip, I told Dominic that we would take things slow and decide after what we're going to do. Things are going so well that the anxiety of the end of the trip weighed heavily on my mind. I had high hopes we can make it, but the problem stems from our next steps. I don't know if I'm ready to leave Millan. There's a part of me that's scared that if I move back, we might fall back into our old toxic ways, and I don't want that.

But now, he's willing to go back to Millan to continue my life. He's ready to make things work while letting me go get my freedom. Dominic has been hard-headed and controlling his whole life. Giving up all control to make me happy is something I never expected him to do, not this soon anyway.

I slept in his arms that night. We didn't share any more words. The first night in a long time where butterflies and happiness were the only feelings I felt.Soft touches on the left side of my body woke me up from my lovely sleep. I tried to push away the thing touching me, but the more I moved, the more assaults I received. When I opened my eyes, I found Dominic leaving trails of kisses from my neck down to my stomach. Now, this is a fun way to wake me up on my birthday.

"You know, letting me sleep in would be just as nice as these kisses." I murmured softly.

"Hm... where's the fun in that? Besides, your friends will bust in here at any moment to wish you a happy birthday. I've been hearing footsteps for the past hour."

"Oh god, they're going to do the absolute most today."

"You deserve it. Nothing but the best."

"Do you think I have time to get up and ready before they blast through the door?"

My question was answered by my two friends bursting through the door unannounced. They carried balloons, a cake, and those mini cannons that shoot out confetti.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They screamed. Juliana shot the confetti cannon, and Bambina placed a small sprinkle covered cake on my lap.

"Thank you, guys. This is way too much, though, but thank you!" I blew the candles out and handed the cake back to Bambina.

I expected the girls to retreat once seeing Dominic and me clearly intimate in bed together. Still, instead, they sat at the corner of the bed staring at us with massive smiles.

"So... what's happening here? I hope we didn't interrupt anything." Juliana questioned.

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