Perfect Night

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JUST ANOTHER REMINDER...PLEASE STOP COMMENTING UPDATE AS soon as I post!!! I love you guys, I do but it's hard balancing 3 books, work, and school. Read the chapter, say you love the chapter and just keep checking for any more updates. I'm not good with the pressure. 

Anyways I'll make this a long chapter so you guys have plenty of time to read!


Dominic's POV 

Dinner wasn't going how I had planned. We barely had time to eat our appetizers before the anger started to rise within me. My little principessa knew what buttons to press to make me want to paint this fucking restaurant red!

"All I'm saying that new contract or not, I am going by my own pace. I need to feel trust with you and this relationship before I jump into anything. I am already showing good faith by planning this engagement party." Alessandra spoke as she picked around her Caprese Salad.

"All I'm saying is I don't care what you want. I want what I want and it's easier for you to accept that and move on."

Alessandra rolled her eyes before taking a slow sip of her wine. She probably hasn't touch alcohol in her days of lockdown. I noticed with every sip, something quite bold would come out of her mouth. Her eyes looked dazed and shiny from the candlelight reflection and her body language seemed loose. She was drunk...or at least getting drunk.

"Slow down on the wine my love, I don't want you throwing up in my beauty."

"Wow, what a charmer you are. I thought I was supposed to be your beauty?"

"You are my better half, much more meaningful than a beauty of mine. I have many beauties; cars, art, watches, suits... I only have one principessa."

"Such a suave man you are Dominic. As much as I love your affection towards me, it's not enough to get me to sleep with you. I am a woman. A woman who has barely seen the world. Just because I am with you doesn't mean you get to skip all the important milestones. I want cute romantic dates, I want the flowers and the chocolate, I want to be wooed and romanced until I am puking love and affection. I missed so much in my life and I don't want to miss anymore."

Alessandra manages to keep solid eye contact throughout her entire speech. Despite the liquid courage coursing through her bloodstreams, I can see the real raw Alessandra I came to dinner with. The hopeless romantic. The girl who never had a boyfriend...who is untainted to the world. I am the only boy that held her in his arms. To Alessandra, just because I owned her doesn't mean I should treat her like she's a prize I already won. 

She's a woman who knows her worth, and I love that about her. The only issue I have is her not willing to share her worth with me. 

I looked principessa straight in her eyes before taking a sip of her wine. 

"I have no problems showing you the world, showering you in love and affection, giving you gifts that not even your imagination you can dream to have. I can be your nightly prince. But that is a world of lies and deceit. I can blind you with all the beauties in the world but you deserve more than that. You are not a trophy wife. You are my better half. I want to show you a different world.  A world of greedy power-hungry people fighting for the top. I want to show you how power can be the ultimate gift. I want to give you that edge that makes you power hungry and greedy. I want to give you that push that makes you hungry for the best and only the best. In my world that is all you want. The best. You deserve the best and I want you to be responsible for achieving that on your own. That's what I truly want from you."

Alessandra paused for a moment. Looking down at her salad in deep thought before glancing back at me. I know Alessandra better then she thinks I do. When she talks, I listen past the words that are coming out. She is a romantic and I know Alessandra will love nothing more than a surprise romantic gesture. But deep down she wants more. I can see it. The fight... the fire in her spirit yearns for more than a traditional love story. I sense the power within Alessandra, I have since the moment I met her in her bedroom. I want to shower her in more than gifts. I want to give her that skill to take over the world beside me. I want her to dominate. Show the world that she was destined for greatness. Nothing is sexier than helping your woman unlock the power inside of her.

"What does this fantasy world of yours entail exactly? You clearly have an image of what you want our future to be."

"I see you and me taking over the world. I run my empire, you run yours. We take over every industry until our accounts are overspilling with money. I want to give your power back. The power I took from you when you were locked up into a tower for years waiting for me. Any dream, any desire that you had waiting in that tower, I want to help you achieve it. Nothing turns me on than a powerful woman and you my lovely queen have the power."

"You are one of a kind, I always seem to forget that. Most men would have promised me the gifts and the world but you want to help me take over the world. I like it."

"Good, get used to it. Your name will be a name that will bring people to their knees in worship, along with mine of course."

Right on cue, the main entree was served. A medium rare Kobe Beef steak for myself and a salmon for the lady. We enjoyed the meal quite well. I can tell that my words were still settling in her mind. For a long time, Alessandra despised the idea of men like me. Men of power and wealth, but she hasn't considered the life of her being her own boss. Her being just as powerful and wealthy as me. Helping her own her own if the least that I can do, especially since she's gonna lose her shit tonight.

Rest of dinner went exactly as planned. She was in a better mood than when we first got here, she seemed to forget the argument that led us to dinner in the first place. My desire is for tonight to go smoothly but you can't hope for much when you're with a firecracker like my principessa. Before we paid the bill, Dante sent me a confirmation text saying the bedroom arrangements have been completed successfully. 

"Wait...can we take a walk? I don't want to go back home just yet." Alessandra wondered as we walked towards the car. 

My original plan was to take her for a walk...I guess we can still follow the plan.

I took her hand and led her to the shopping strip across from the restaurant. This strip was usually quiet and known for romantic strolls during the evening time. All the clothing stores were closed and the only stores open were small cafes and a tiny local bakery that is known for their croissants. 

The strip was quiet as I expected. Besides a couple by the coin fountain, there was no one around. We strolled in silenced. I kept sneaking glances at Alessandra, I could tell she was still nervous to be outside. Her hand clutch mine tightly every time we turn a corner. Yet, the look in her eye...she seemed happy. The way she looked around the strip was like a baby taking in her first sight. The way she took in the beauty around was refreshing.

After a few minutes of walking, we manage to get back to the restaurant. 

"Thank you for the walk, it was nice to get out." Alessandra smiled at me.

"You're welcome. I want you to feel safe outside."

She quickly jumped up on her toes and gave me a kiss on her cheek.

"This was a successful date, I can't wait for the next one."

I hope she keeps this energy up for tonight.

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