Dinner conversation

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Back again with a weekly update. You guys have been so patient with me and I thank you guys for that! Work has been crazy. Anyways I see that not many of you have checked out my new story The Devils Daughter, Go read asap, the story can be found on my Page.


The odds were completely against me. Three against one is already unfair but the fact that all three are apart of the most notorious mafia family makes the entire situation extremely unfair. Standing strongly in front of me was Leandro and Vanessa Vincenzo, the power couple of Europe. I could feel their power radiating off them but they did their best trying to maintain their dominance. I know that they didn't want to scare me off. Well, at least his father didn't want to scare me off. His mother wasn't as warm with me as her husband.

 He was the first to hug and greet me into the family. He gripped me into a tight hug that only brought me fear. I was in the arms of the most dangerous man in the world yet it felt like I was hugging a large overstuff teddy bear. His mother was hesitant to embrace me. I was the girl taking her baby boy away in her eyes. I could understand why she wasn't in the best mood to embrace a complete stranger who will become her daughter-in-law. She gave me a quick side hug before pulling away from her husband and standing by her son's side. Dominic gave his mother a kiss on the cheek before he joined me by my side. 

His arm quickly wrapped around my waist as he tucked me tightly into his side.

"Well, this is a long time coming. Benvenuto in Famiglia, Alessandra." Leandro Vincenzo spoke out. I gave him a convincing smile.

"Happy to be apart of this famiglia, even if it's a few months too soon." I joked lightly. Dominic squeezed my waist in a warning. Guess Dominic had boundaries on what I can and cannot say.

"Oh we tried to get Dominic to wait but he just couldn't wait to bring you home. He was always an impatient firecracker since he was a baby." His mother joked.

"Well if you're done insulting me, let's sit for dinner." Dominic snarked.

Dominic led us to the dining table. Like a gentleman that he clearly is trying to imitate, Dominic pulled out a seat before taking the seat beside me. Dinner was served the moment we sat down. A caprice salad with a vinaigrette dressing was served first for appetizers. My head was down the entire time we ate.  I was never taught the proper protocol for eating with mafia royalty.

Thankfully, Dominic saved the dinner from awkward silence and tension.

"So I called this dinner to call attention to our upcoming nuptials. Technically the wedding can wait a year but my desire is to have the wedding in a month's time."

A month to get out of this situation? No problem! He's giving me a challenge. A challenge that I am glad to accept.

His mother couldn't help but scoff but hid it well as she drank her wine.

"A month for a wedding? Don't you think your rushing into things love? Spend time with each other before we worry about the marriage. Besides a month isn't enough time to plan such an extravagant wedding."

His mother hated me. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. Did she hate me for stealing her son? Who knows but I had bigger fish to fry at the moment. 

His father kept silent. He just sat quietly, ate and nodded at whatever Dominic had to sit but deep down I felt a rift in the air. As if Dominic was challenging both me and his parents. I couldn't tell what type of underlying feud he had with his parents but it had to be something important if I could feel the tension from my end of the table.

"Alessandra, are you ready to be wed within a month? Surely you want to call your parents and arrange for the family to be available and fully involved with the wedding process. You have had contact with your parents since you been here right?" Leandro wondered. 

Crap, there was no good answer for this. I didn't want to be married any time soon to this man and I didn't want to admit that I was secretly talking to my parents without anyone knowing. 

"A month is quite soon but I'm ready to commit my life to Dominic, so why wait? With all the unpacking and getting settled, I haven't had the time to call but they understood when I left that it will be a few days before they will hear from me." 

Dominic quickly looked at me and gave me a concerning look. I could have lied and said that Dominic has forbidden me to leave my room but what good does that do me? It would bring more eyes on me and I didn't need anymore that I was already getting.

"Well if you two are serious about this marriage then you know you would have to contact your family for a meet and greet with our family. Then there's finding your bridesmaids and groomsmen, venue, and of course the initiation to the family business. A month is not enough time to plan and execute all of this!" His mother barked.

"Mother the business can wait, Alessandra is in no rush to be apart of the business. She has other things to worry about...like taking care of our future and immediate family. As for the wedding, crap...it can be done and it can be done fast. I am paying good money for things to be done fast and right."

He just had to throw in the baby talk into the conversation!

"An immediate family? Son, I understand the urge for an heir but enjoy the company before children get involved. You're still quite young." Leandro claimed.

"Father we are doing things differently. Alessandra and I have come to an understanding. We both know what we want and we are both willing to give it to each other. Why waste time when we are wanting the same things? We have eternity to spend together, having children now or later doesn't change that." 

If those words came from anyone but him I probably would have teared up. Deep down I want children and a family of my own. I want a big house in the valley where my children can run freely as my husband and I watch over from the patio. I want my days to be filled with excitement and children's laughter from morning to night. I want to be able to kiss every child goodnight before climbing into the arms of the man of my dreams. I want everything that Dominic claims to want.

But it is all a lie. He doesn't want what he claims. He wants to torture me. He wants me to beg for mercy. He wants me to break down. He doesn't want to make me happy. He doesn't want to give me the things he is promising to his parents. 

If he was truly serious about giving me what he so-called wants, I would be hesitant but willing to give this a shot. 

Yet the heartless man remains heartless.

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