Family secrets

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Back again with a weekly update. The story is coming to an end...well the end of book 1! Don't know how many installments I will do but I want at least 2.

Anyways guys please go check out MY NEW STORY The Devil's Daughter!!! 

Here we goo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The talk with Dominic left me confused and frustrated. He's been so cryptic with his words that I never got a legitimate answer from him. He refused to tell me the truth about anything and yet he wants me to trust him! He wants me to stop fighting this marriage for a reason I don't know! To make matters worse, the feelings I once had for him are still there. I've tried so hard to deny them but it was hard. He was the first boy I talked too and he disappeared without a trace. Now he's back and he is meant to be my husband? How can my heart let him go in this situation?

I took a grand tour of the estate to clear my head. I wanted to become more aware of my surroundings and I needed to be alone. By sundown, I've made it through the majority of the estate. I knew where Dominic and other offices, the security den, libraries, the hospital wing, gym, and sitting dens were located. I even made it to the backyard where to pool, tennis ball court, rose garden maze, and the servant housing was located. This estate had so many rooms and additions yet there were still 5 football fields worth of land that was untouched.

I made it back to the dining room by dinner time and Dominic was there waiting for me. There was a private dining table for 2 set up in the corner by the fireplace. My maid Liliana stood patiently behind my chair with a small cart that held our dinner. I walked over to my chair and Dominic stood when he realized my presence. Like a gentleman, he pulled out my chair and took me in tight when I sat down with caution. 

He took his seat before Liliana served us dinner. We were served honey garlic salmon with garlic potatoes and asparagus. 

I began to eat when Dominic picked up his fork. I tried to keep my eye contact strictly on my plate but it was hard with all the extra noise that Dominic was making with his fork.

"So you had time to yourself to check the estate, did you find everything okay?" He whispered softly.

"Yes, I think I'm acquainted with everything now. Finding what I need should be easy now." 

"Perfect, like I said everything unlocked is at your disposal." 

I nodded my head in agreement. I knew he wanted to bring up our conversation from before. He gave me personal space to digest the stupid explanation he gave me and now he wanted to know how I felt.

"Ally, I need to know if you are going to cooperate with me? I understand you feel left in the dark but I can't share anything with you if you're not willing to work with me."

"Willing to work with you? Do you know how I feel about you? I'm scared of you! I'm scared to be around you... around your family! This life isn't the life for me. I don't want to be the cause of drugs and guns and whatever else getting into the streets of Italy! This is my home. I don't want to be the reason its ruin." I screamed.  

I saw a tick in Dominic's jaw. I overstepped my boundaries but there is no way he could get mad at me. He wanted an honest answer and I was finally giving him one. 

"My family has spent a long time trying to take control of the drugs and guns coming into Italy. We are the reason why little children aren't snorting coke instead of studying. People are so quick to blame us for the city going to merda that they fail to realize that the crime is coming from the people next door." He sneered.

"That's not my point! I don't care for this life of secrecy and seclusion. I have to hide and bring security wherever I go because people want to murder you! No matter how much good you do for the city, that doesn't stop the fact that my life will be in danger. My family will be in danger. I will never live a normal life!"

"Normal life? principessa, nothing about your life was normal before you met me. You just naive to see it. Your family is one the most successful families within Milian. You were living quite comfortably in your 6 bedroom home for 4 person family. You had everything and anything you wanted. Your life was never going to be normal. You would inherit the family business and the money which means it comes with enemies. No matter what road you took, enemies would follow." 

"Enemies? My family has no enemies and if they do they probably got it from being associated with your family! Not once have I been in dangered before you came along."

"Your family has more enemies than allies but your father failed to mention that. Before I came along Principessa, your father received more death threats then business. Everyone wanted a piece of your father's business and just like a full-blooded Italiano, he refused to give anyone a piece of his prize possession. Your father is as money hungry as anyone else in this world. Your father is no different from my father or me. Pensa alla tua vita da occhi nuovi prima di parlare di nuovo principessa".

Dominic's words shook me to the core. He spoke of things he knew nothing about. Well, I think he knew nothing about. My father and his business were very private. He left his work at the office before he came home. He never spoke about anything work-related. We lived comfortably than most. Our beautiful 6 bedroom home on the hill with a large backyard, a pool, and a garden for mama was perfect for my familia. My father provided quite well for us. I never had to beg for anything growing up. That didn't mean that my father was a greedy business mogul like Dominic. He worked hard and we lived well. 

"Look, Alessandra, you may not believe all I have to say but consider my words. I have no reason to lie to you. No one manages me and lying causes more issues than good. I may be keeping you in the dark about my intentions of this union but everything else is open book. Your family isn't as guilt-free as you think. Your father may not be dealing with illegal business but he sure likes to get his hands dirty in money. If you expect to trust me and make this work then you need to start being open minded and stop listening to what other's have to say. See for yourself."

Dominic has been too persistent about our union like he truly wants it to work out. Telling me things about my family that I didn't know about is insane. I couldn't believe him right off the bat but I am not opposed to doing my research about my family. I have faith in my family but Dominic is right about one thing.

He has no reason to lie to me, not about this.

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