SIX | Cursed Escape

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"oh teri nazron ne kuch aisa jadoo kiya."


A cold puff of wind harshly collided with Iman's face and strayed down to the exposed skin of her neck, sending a tingle down her spine as she took the final step out of the hotel's exit―leaving behind the suffocating life she had lived untill now.

Her heart was wildly beating in her chest and her legs wobbled slightly but the adrenaline rush kept pushing her forward. Grasping the fabric of her lehenga, she swam down a set of stairs ahead and sauntered towards the dimly lit parking lot.

Her eyes wandered around, awaiting to see a certain devilishly handsome face while another gust of wind coiled around her form, causing her to wrap her arms around herself. The December cold was unforgiving; seeping in and prickling her skin even though she was garbed in a heavy dress.

Her head tilted upwards and her irises met the opaque canvas of night sky festooned with constellations and the full moon.

"Hey." A shadow with a deep voice breathed behind her, making the hair stand up on the back of her neck and a loud gasp escaping her mouth. She swiveled around and came across the man she had been waiting for.

Zain stood before her with his dark eyes cautiously assessing the surroundings.

"What was that?" Iman hissed, tugging his wandering gaze towards her.

"What?" he questioned back.

"Why did you tell me to get out of the hotel first and wait in the parking lot? What were you doing?"

Iman had quietly followed what he had instructed her to do earlier when they had stepped out of the room even though she was scared to take the hefty steps alone.

"I did that because I didn't want the whole damn hotel to know we're eloping," Zain answered, stressing on the last word. "You might not know but I actually have a reputation to uphold."

Zain swept his hand through his hair and caged his lower lip between his teeth―mind contemplating his failed mission; fearing meeting those goons again and...

His gaze gravitated to Iman.

And now he was helping a bride run away from her wedding. Great, just great. Oh lord, have mercy on me!

He got out of the world of self-pitying when he noticed her staring at him with her brows sewed into an impugned frown.

"Don't give me that look," he warned.

"W-What look?" Iman feigned innocence.

Zain moved closer, looming over her middling stature with narrowed eyes. "That, oh-wow-can't-believe-you-actually-have-a-reputation look."

Iman shifted on her toes and concealed her shy gaze with a downward sweep of her eyelashes, slightly astounded by how easily he read her thoughts.

"If only you knew." She heard him murmuring under his breath and her eyelashes fluttered up.

His head was turned to the side, allowing the moonlight to glide over his strong jawline. Her eyes lingered over the heavy stubble framing his face before softly tracing the tendons of his neck.

"Knew what?" she asked slowly. Dazedly.

His gaze returned to her with his thick brows elevated upwards, crinkling his forehead. "Nothing. Let's get out of here."

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