Zain X Iman

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Written by the amazing and oh-so-talented: herondalevibes


The boy in black
with the smouldering eyes
With numerous tattoos
With his own story to tell and a few guns
The boy in black
With secrets enough to make him drown
With a will to rival the world
With the spirit to take over the world and burn it down.

The girl in red
With her blazing eyes
With the dress so heavy it weighs her down
With her own story to tell
The girl in red
With pressure enough to bury her
With pain to rival Acheron
With the crushed spirit of one being sent off to gallows

When the boy crept into the girl's room in stealth
He didn't know what beauty the girl's eyes held
One look at her and he was a goner
But he didn't know the girl was captive by her father
Held down and tied up by his desires
Never good enough for him, she sought his approval

The boy taught by his mama to be a real man
Held her hand and showed her life as real as he can
But both of them forgot about the man in grey
Oh, what an anomaly he was,
The sadistic man in grey

He wanted the girl to be his forever
But somewhere in between
He forgot she too has desires
Turned mad with fury when he found her with the boy in black
The man in grey took her away from him and sought revenge

And boy, did he get the revenge he wanted
But, the boy in black, not one to be outshone, shed his layers
And revealed his one true form
Now, this might be the part
Where the happy ending comes in
But no, pain was written for them by the Fates

The boy in black was not a weak man, no
And he knew the about the fire in the girl
But when he saw how dim it had become
He realised, he had to yield for her to glow

The boy left, leaving behind him, a girl who was a mess
She knew she had to become someone who
She should've become a long time ago
But it isn't easy finding your voice when you are convinced you don't have one
But in order to rise, she will find it and and make it her deadly weapon.

Some times, you find the correct people
But at the wrong time
But what is stopping you from finding them again at the right time?...

[to be continued]

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