|Chapter 17|

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|Getting caught|

Valentina POV

"Are you sure about this whole thing? What if we get caught?", Ruby said with a worried undertone. She was right to worry. This was very risky to do, not only because of our brothers but because the rest of our relatives were here too. I sighed. It was our first mission since we came here over a month ago and I was starting to get impatient. Sure there had been other months before that we didn't get a mission but still. I was missing the adrenaline that I was getting from doing this stuff. And it wasn't like we had ever turned down a mission before, so why start now?

"I'm sure about this. Meet me at one in the morning in my room, dressed in black. We're going with my car, it's parked ten minutes from here; in the woods. I brought it there when I left to go jogging", I whispered back, to be sure no one heard us. We were standing in the hallway in front of Ruby's room and although we knew that no one was here -apparently the boys had some "business" to attend and Melissa left with her daughters and Angelo to go eat ice cream- we needed to be careful because there were cameras everywhere. It was annoying me that I still couldn't find out if they had tone or not -but I was sure they did.

"Are you sure that no one saw you? They probably had someone follow you", Ruby said with worry in her voice.

"Don't worry, Rubs. I made sure that no one saw me", I said before we parted our ways again. I quickly went downstairs into the kitchen to eat something.

"Oh hey guys! When did you come back?", I asked not letting them know how shocked I was to see them -and that I was mentally cursing myself. Melissa answered, saying that they had just gotten back. I didn't trust her. She looked like she was lying. To be honest, for being the former female Capo of the Sicilian mafia she was very bad at lying. But I acted as though I didn't notice that she was lying and asked how their ice cream was.

Now Ruby and I had to be extra careful.

Maybe we'll need to delay our mission.

As quietly as I could I opened up my window and stuck my head out to take a look at the camera position. Satisfied with Ruby's work I closed the window again and turned around again. Just in that moment my door was opened and revealed my two oldest brothers.

"Is everything alright? Why are you still up?", Enzo asked me worriedly and quickly came over to feel my forehead. I smiled at him.

"I was in bed but I couldn't sleep. I wanted to read something", I said, turning to my right to get a book. Just as I was about to reach my shelve -where all my books were- I felt a hand around my left arm, tugging me back again. I sighed; Alessandro. I turned to face him and raised one of my eyebrows at him.

"Stop lying. Melissa told us that she overheard you and Ruby talk about sneaking out. And that you parked your car somewhere in the woods." So she did lie to us? Well I guess I'll have to play my innocent act.

"I literally don't kn-", Alessandro cut me off. "It all fits now. My men, that I sent after you to make sure you are alright, lost you and at that time you parked your car in the woods. Good work!"

"Really?! You sent someone after me to make sure I was alright?!", I mimicked his voice at the last part. He rolled his eyes -clearly not amused, like Enzo- and was just about to say something. But I wasn't done yet. "You really believe Melissa over your younger sister? Good then, go on. Did you find my car then? Where is it?", I asked, silently praying that they didn't find a car in the woods -which was probably mine then. I saw how both of my brothers clenched their jaws. Relieve flooded through me, but I didn't let it show.

"Fine! You win, but don't think I won't have an extra eye on you and your sister", he said in a low voice, probably wanting to intimidate me. I rolled my eyes at him and ripped my arm out of his hold. Then I scurried over to the door and held it open for my brothers to leave, they caught on to the message and left. I closed my door and waited for a few minutes before silently opening it and tiptoeing over to Ruby's room. Without knocking I slipped into her room and told her about what just happened.

"Fuck! What are we going to do now?", she asked, pacing from one wall to the next. I shrugged, having no idea what we could do but to delay our mission.

"We'll have to delay our mission."

"But I thought this was his last day in New York?! When will the next chance be to get that goddamned information about them if not today?", she whispered back. I wanted to respond when I remembered what I had heard the other day. Our brothers were constantly arguing with our uncle and cousins about letting us know about the mafia. And one time Alessandro said that they were really close to finding out about our past. So what? If he finds out now, tomorrow or next week. There is no difference.

"We are going. Get ready", I said before leaving to get into my own room. I quickly changed and then opened my window. Ruby and I climbed out, making sure to not be seen by the guards and left through the back, where our garten connected with the woods. It took us some time to reach the woods, because we couldn't risk being seen. It actually would have been easier to leave at around one a.m. because they usually change shifts then. I maneuvered our way through the woods until I found my car. We quickly got in and I started to drive to an abandoned warehouse -which wasn't that abandoned anymore. We greeted the guards that stood in front of the building before entering. Whilst Ruby went to get a laptop and some other stuff, I went to change. I changed into a red dress that reached the middle of my thighs and put some red high heels on. Then I got my make-up and hair done -they put on a wig- by two other girls, who also worked for The Élite. As soon as I was done I went to meet my sister and our driver. Ruby and I got in the back of the van and took a seat. I put the earpiece in my right ear and covered it with my hair. With that I would be able to hear Ruby but not to talk.

We arrived at the club and I went inside. I met with two young men at the back of the building and they told me what they needed me to do. I went inside and listened to Ruby, who told me where this guy was. His name was Igor Iwanow and he had some interesting information about the Russian mafia that I needed. I spotted him at the bar and went to sit beside him, ordering a drink; but not talking to him. I felt him lay a hand on my thigh and internally smirked; I got him where I wanted him to be. He asked me for a dance, to which I gave my approval. As we danced, I slipped my hand in the breast-pocket he had in the front of his shirt and fished out the card inside it as carefully as possible. I discreetly handed it over to one of the young men that were here with me and went on dancing with the Russian guy. Half an hour passed, my feet were hurting from dancing that long but the guys weren't in sight. I kept on dancing. Finally, the other one this time came and discreetly handed over the card. I put it back where I got it from and shortly after that excused myself to go get fresh air. I left the club, took the USB-Stick with the information and slipped it into my bra, before quickly walking back to the van and leaving.

The mission was a success.

Climbing back into my room was easy, the guards were talking instead of paying attention and the cameras were easy to avoid. I closed the window behind me and turned around, just as the light in my room went on. We both froze.

"Valentina? Ruby? Where were you two?!"

To be continued...

Long chapter with a little cliffhanger.

Do you think they'll find out now?

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