|Chapter 29|

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|She was right|

Third person POV

One week went by fast and before the three youngest of the Romano family knew it school started again. For once, Valentina was glad that school started again. It meant that avoiding her family would be easier than last week. It had been horrible, for everyone, except Ruby who seemed to enjoy the drama a bit too much -not that she would say that out loud. For Valentina, because escaping your five older brothers wasn't that easy and for the brothers, because Valentina was stubborn and almost every time they wanted to talk to her, she escaped.

Freshly showered, Valentina stood in her closet, wrapped in a towel, staring at all of her clothes. She wanted to look good -not that she ever looked bad- but she also didn't want to attract too much attention. Which was -now that she was thinking about it- nearly impossible. She was a Romano, which always brought attention to her, one way or another. Seeing that it was January and therefore still pretty cold, she took out two long jeans, staring at them for a bit, before deciding to put on the blue one instead of the black one. She put on some undergarments and then the jeans. Now onto the shirt, she thought. She quickly decided and put on a black, long sleeved shirt with a high color that had "ANGEL" written on it -not exactly true, but she didn't care. Satisfied with her outfit, she finished her morning routine, before walking downstairs into the kitchen with her school back slung over her right shoulder and her phone in her hands, typing away on it.

Like last week, Val ignored her siblings as she entered the kitchen and went straight to the fridge. Alessandro cleared his throat to get her attention, but she didn't even look up.

"Val", Ruby said, sitting at the small table in the kitchen, eating her breakfast, not really caring if she had to apologize. Now that school was about to start she needed someone to gossip with, Francesco was horrible at gossiping. Again, Valentina didn't budge. "Look, we're sorry. And we admit it okay? You were right." Those were the only words Val had wanted to hear. She looked towards her sister and smiled.

"I know I was." Antonio scoffed, stood up to leave, but one look from his oldest brother and he sat back down again.

"I want to hear it from you guys", Val continued, sitting down beside Ruby -who rolled her eyes at the she-devil- and eating her breakfast. She waited for a bit, but nothing came. Until she finished her breakfast no one said anything.

"I'm sorry, Valentina. I shouldn't have agreed to doing this. You were right", Francesco said, feeling a bit dumb as he did, but that quickly vanished as he saw his sister smiling at him.

"I know, I am always right", she said, standing up and bringing her empty bowl to the sink, "Now, come on, we are going to be late to school." She took Ruby's and Francesco's arms, dragging them to the garage. She quickly got into the driver's side and let her two siblings bicker about who would sit in the passenger's seat. As she honked, her siblings quickly jumped into the vehicle suddenly not caring about who sat where anymore. Francesco didn't want Val to stop talking to him; not again and Ruby still needed someone to talk shit about others with.

"How was your day at school?", Lorenzo asked his three youngest siblings at dinner.

"Good" "Boring", Ruby and Francesco said at the same time. Lorenzo chuckled at them and then turned his head to his other sister in hopes of getting an answer. He sighed when he didn't.

"Valentina! He asked you something", Alessandro boomed, fed up by his sister's attitude. Ruby pressed her lips into a thin line so as to not start laughing, staring at her twin, knowing that she wouldn't answer. She was way too stubborn. Surprisingly, Val talked for the first time in a week at the dinner table.

She hummed. "This is soo good. We should eat it more often, don't you think?", she asked, directed at her twin and Cesco. Perplexed, they both nodded, not knowing what else they were supposed to do or say. Satisfied with their "answer" she nodded once and then looked back down, continuing to eat. Alessandro's hands balled into fists, his knuckles turning white.

"Alright, fine! You were right", Lorenzo finally broke. He didn't want her to keep ignoring him.

"School was okay, a bit boring." Everyone went quiet. She really wanted to just hear those words?

"Yeah, what he said", Leonardo said, nodding his head to his older brother, "You were right." She smiled in triumph and then looked expectantly at her two other brothers who had yet to say it.

Alessandro sighed. "You were right." Valentina hummed in response and then looked at the last brother, Antonio. But that wouldn't be so easy. They were both the most stubborn out of the family. As expected, Antonio huffed and left the table, going back into his room to have some alone time. Since when did his brothers give in that easily? Francesco was easy to persuade but the rest. Fine, he admitted it, his twin wasn't that hard to persuade either, but Lorenzo and Alessandro were something else. Before he could continue to rant about his stupid brothers anymore his door was opened and revealed Leonardo, his twin. Antonio rolled his eyes, crossed his arms over his chest and turned away from him.

"Come on, it isn't so hard to tell someone that they were right", Leonardo said, trying to persuade his twin into telling his sister that she was right.

"It is, when that someone isn't right", he said, stomping his foot onto the ground to underline his words. Why didn't they get it? Why didn't she get it? Leonardo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by loud screaming and glass shattering. Before they could go downstairs to see what was going on, Francesco came running upstairs.

"We're under attack!"

To be continued...

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 |✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora