|Chapter 21|

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|Meeting the Garcia's|

Third person POV

"We have something to announce." Alessandro was nervous. He had been ever since he had made that one phone call. And his siblings could sense his uneasiness. They had asked him about it but he never answered. Now they were going to find out.

The Romano family sat at the dining table, eating their food and each patiently waiting for their brother to finally tell them what exactly had set him on edge. Only as the last one finished he continued his talk. Why was he suddenly so nervous? He never felt that way. Why did he have to now?

"Saturday, we will attend a meeting with someone... someone I'd rather not have a meeting with", Alessandro paused for a second. Not to torture his siblings any further than he already had but because he was searching for the right words. "We will have dinner at a very fancy restaurant with... ughhh.. with Rodriguez and his father", Alessandro finally said after stuttering on his words for a bit. Lorenzo stood up from his seat and left the room to collect himself. Antonio started coughing loudly after he received the news and choked on his drink. Leonardo was dead silent, patting his twin on his back to help him out. He didn't know what to think of the news. Francesco was totally shocked, just like the youngest sibling of the Romano family. They both didn't know what to think or say to what they just heard. Why were they going to meet with them? Wasn't it clear that Rodriguez wouldn't negotiate on what the contract said? Valentina was the only one who was totally calm and not shocked at all. She waited until her second oldest brother, Lorenzo, stepped back into the room until she spoke up.

"Why's that? We all know he won't negotiate on anything of that kind. Besides, if we have a meeting with him wouldn't the rest of the underworld find out about Rubs and me?" she asked. She was right, they would. Especially, if they riled up Rodriguez. He would give out the news of Ruby's and Val's return in no time.

"Yes, you're right. And I already thought about this. Since you two are already in contact with the underworld and more than just capable of protecting yourselves I figured it wouldn't be such a problem if the news got out", Alessandro paused for a few seconds before continuing, "you two will meet my right hand friday night. Then we'll have dinner with Rodriguez. Which, by the way, only Lorenzo, Antonio, Leonardo and I will be attending. On Sunday you'll meet the rest of the mafia then." He had it planned out from the start. The twin girls and Francesco would not be attending the dinner with Rodriguez. He didn't want Rodriguez to see his younger sisters. And Francesco mainly stayed back to be there for his sisters -even though he knew they wouldn't need it. He would -probably- never admit it but Alessandro didn't just want his two youngest to be safe but also Cesco. Secretly, he wanted no one to go to this stupid dinner. He wanted to go there, knowing that his siblings -his family- was safe. But he knew they would never let him go there alone and follow him. And then he had everyone there. This way, he could avoid his three youngest siblings being in danger. He would just have to have a closer eye on his other three siblings and, of course, on Rodriguez and his dirty men. Especially his father. He hated that man more than Rodriguez.

Two days had gone by since the intense dinner between the Romano siblings. It was finally Friday and Lorenzo was just getting ready to pick his three younger siblings up from school, just like he did every friday. He hurried into his car and quickly started it, backing out of the huge driveway. He had to hurry because they had to get their homework done and get ready before the dinner with Lucio -Alessandro's right hand- and his family. He had actually never really liked Lucio until he reached his twenties because Lucio was treated better by their father than they were. It had taken him some time to realize that it wasn't Lucio's making. Since then, he had stopped hating on him. Not that he ever told him that he hated him, or showed him. Lorenzo would never do something like that unless you would hurt his family.

As soon as the four siblings reached home, Lorenzo ushered them upstairs to do their homework and learn since they had an exam coming up soon. Quickly they finished their homework and then each sprung in their own shower to get the sweat off of them -Lorenzo could be quite stressing if he wanted to. Whilst Francesco only put on a suit and dried his hair off, the twins put on a fancy dress, did their hair and make-up. Safe to say that the girls weren't ready when Lucio and his wife along with his child arrived. So whilst the twins were getting ready everyone else sat down and started to chat.

"Look who finally arrived!", Antonio taunted as his two younger sisters marched down the stairs.

"Look who looks like an idiot!", Valentina taunted back, taking a pillow and attempting to suffocate him as soon as she reached him. Before anything could happen though, Alessandro broke them apart and introduced his right hand, who introduced his wife and child.

"This is my wife Brenda", Lucio had an arm wrapped around his wife's waist as he introduced her, letting her greet the twins before he moved on to his child, ,,and this is my daughter, Ilaria."

"Aww, she's so cute. How old is she?", Ruby asked, only having eyes for the little child.

"She's one, turning two in a bit", Brenda answered, smiling brightly. She loved her daughter to death and would do anything for her. So much that at one point Lucio was worried that his daughter would turn out like a spoiled brat. Not that he didn't love his daughter.

The evening was filled with chatter, some laughter here and there and definitely a lot of bright smiles from Brenda. And not to forget the rambling of the Garcia's daughter. What could still go wrong after this magical night? Everything, apparently.

To be continued...

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