|Chapter 37|

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|chaos in Sicilia|

Dario POV

The entire time on my way home the guilt seemed to be eating me alive. My mind was running wild and I couldn't find a way to shut it down. I felt guilty. Guilty for murdering my father and guilty for leaving my cousins alone. I felt like they needed me; like I needed to help them. But I needed to go home. Go home and take care of my siblings. Go home and shut this stupid mind of mine up.

Pure chaos; that's what I found when I returned home. I stopped my younger brother Elio, asking him what was going on. I was so confused.

"She's dead", he said, tears streaming down his face. I felt like a brick had been thrown in my face. My mother was dead. I took Elio's hand in mine and dragged him to her room. And there she was, lying on her bed, eyes closed, skin pale.

"The doctor just left after he pronounced her dead", Elio whispered beside me. I can't believe she killed herself. What's with the rest? Are they ok? My mind started to race again, thoughts and questions raining down on me. I could feel the headache already forming. I sighed, hugging my younger brother and giving him a kiss on his forehead, before I asked him where the others were and how they were dealing with it. Elio wiped his tears away, took a deep breath and then walked up the stairs with me to see how the others were doing.

On the way upstairs I told him what happened and how our cousins were doing -which wasn't that great considering the situation regarding Leonardo. Arriving upstairs, I was tackled by my youngest sibling, Angelo.

"Is mommy better now?", he asked me innocently as I picked him up and held him at my waist. I sighed.

"Angelo, il mio piccolo, you know mommy and daddy are in a better place now", I said, trying to be as careful as possible. Although our father was probably not in a better place than here, he didn't have to know just yet.

"Can we visit them?" He looked at me with the biggest puppy eyes ever and I felt my heart breaking at the sight. How could I lie to such a precious little thing? I had to, I told myself. I had to, to make him feel better.

"Soon, baby. Soon, we'll go where mommy and daddy are and then we can see them again, okay?", I said, trying not to let him see that I was lying to him. He was already so smart and observant. For a seven year old, that is. He nodded in excitement and then hugged me tight. I could never stay sad around him. I laughed at his actions and hugged him back, before letting him down and telling him to go play while I spoke to his other siblings. We had some things to discuss regarding the future. Of course, I would take over the guardianship for my youngest siblings, just like Alessandro had done with his siblings years ago.

After talking to my other siblings and trying to comfort them as much as I could, I left to call Alessandro and tell him about the news of my mother's death. And, of course, ask him if Leonardo had woken up already. I hoped he did.

Ruby POV

Seeing my brother lying there, in the hospital bed, tubes attached to him, it made me feel sick. Especially when I thought back to the night it all happened. The horrible time we had to wait in the waiting room; Antonio breaking down. The news from Sicilia didn't make it better. Melissa and Giovanni were dead -we already knew that Giovanni was dead because we were one of the reasons he was (he deserved it). But Melissa had nothing to do with all of this. She killed herself to be safe. To not be forced to give Giovanni a child that he would ruin and to not be given to the Russians. Though she acted selfish, I understand her. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be married to someone for so long and then be told that they don't love you when they acted like they did all this time. And I also can't imagine what it feels like hearing that exact same person saying that they want to kill your children and/or give them into sex trafficking. It must feel horrible.

I wasn't someone that had many people to love me or to love but I would feel horrible if one of them would betray me like that. But then again, I'd probably turn my hurt and pain into anger and kill them after I've had my fun torturing them. Kinda fucked up, but whatever. That's just who I am, who I was raised to be. In my defense, everyone who grew up in The Élite shares my mind set. Especially the crazy bitch called Valentina Romano -she would probably be worse than me though.

I just hope that Leonardo wakes up soon and that my cousins are going to be okay. I really liked them, even though their father was a psychopath and their mother could be a bitch sometimes. It wasn't their fault and to be honest, I was relieved that Melissa was the one who -mainly- raised them and not Giovanni. That would've been a much bigger mess.

To be continued...

il mio piccolo - my little one

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