|Chapter 42|

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|"I'm so proud of you"|

Alessandro POV

He fucking proposed to her.

Welp, I didn't really expect him not to. They're both fucking extra. So, of course, he'd propose to her.

"OMG, CONGRATULATIONS'', Paisley screamed and hugged both Val and Álvaro. We followed her example and congratulated them, though we only hugged Val and shook Álvaro's hand.

After a short moment of silence, I decided to break it and finally come clean with my family. "Now, that we are already all gathered together", I paused for a second, feeling their eyes burning holes into me, I mustered up all of my courage, "I have to tell you all something." I paused again, taking a look at my siblings. There's no going back anymore. "I'm gay."

"Fucking finally", I heard Val mutter as she sat done beside Álvaro, who looked very surprised. l, anxiously, took a look at my other siblings. I knew that Ruby knew my little secret.

"I'm so proud of you", Paisley and Emerald nodded in agreement to Ruby's words. She had been the first one to speak up, besides Valentina, and it seemed to bring my brothers out of their shocked and surprised state. But still, they didn't say anything. It saddened and hurt me. Don't they accept me?

"It's okay if you don't accept me", I said a bit hurt, although I tried not to let it show, I knew that they noticed. I cleared my throat and turned to leave, afterall it was late and I had to get up early tomorrow. But before I could leave, I was tackled in a hug by Francesco. Regaining my balance quickly -before we would both fall to the ground-, I hugged him back, feeling a bit relieved that at least one of my brothers seemed to accept me. As Francesco and I parted, I was pulled into the embrace of Lorenzo.

"I'm proud of you, too", he whispered, making me, inwardly, beam. "I had my assumptions, you know?", he added, smiling at me as he let go of me. He patted me on the back, making my lips move up a bit. Lastly, Antonio and Leonardo also walked up to me, hugging me tight, just like Cesco and Enzo had done. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders; a weight I hadn't realized the existence of.

"My father will hate you even more now", a cocky voice said. Álvaro was sitting on an armchair, beside my sister, smirking at me.

"And you? Do you hate me?", I asked. Not that I cared, I was just curious. And I knew, like everybody else here that if he did, Val would make his life even more hell than she already was planning to.

"No", he simply stated, "I like everything that pisses my father off, just like my brother does." I nodded in acknowledgement, before turning to Ruby who had walked up to me. I pulled her into my embrace, giving her a kiss on the forehead, before wishing her a goodnight while she yawned. As she left -but not before wishing everyone else a goodnight-, Lorenzo ushered everyone to bed. We wished each other a goodnight, but before I could leave, Val pulled me back. She hugged me tightly, whispering a "I'm so proud of you" and then left, leaving me alone in the living room. I smiled to myself, feeling more relieved than I probably ever have in my whole life. Yawning, I made my way upstairs, knowing that today I will sleep well.

Third person POV

"So Rubs, how was your Prom?", Valentina asked her twin after Alessandro, who had finally mustered up all of his courage to come out, had left to go to sleep.

"Good", she simply stated, not giving anything away.

"Really? 'Cause I saw little Cesco over there, stepping on your feet a few times", Valentina replied, an amused smile adorning her face, "not to mention the time when he stumbled over his own feet and the two of you landed on the ground." Ruby smiled softly, shaking her head at her sister's antics as Francesco's face changed into a bright red looking quite similar to a tomato and rubbed the back of his neck.

And that's how the younger ones of the family spend their night: making fun and embarrassing each other.

Álvaro POV

I woke up to the sounds of someone snoring. Confused, I peered my eyes open to be greeted by the sight of my fiancée sleeping beside me. Her right arm draped over my bare chest -I prefered to sleep on my back or left side- and her legs tangled with mine. And she says she doesn't snore, estúpida. I smiled at the sight of her: she looked like a complete mess. Her hair was all over the place and tangled, in her face a visible red line of where she laid on her pillow. And still she managed to look like a goddess. How does one do that?

I untangled myself after taking the view of my sleepy fiancée for a bit longer. I decided to take a shower as I smelled a bit. Stepping into the shower, I realized that this was my first time showering here and that I didn't have any shampoo or body wash here. Meh, I'll just use Val's.

I dried myself off, smelling like a beautiful flower. I chuckled to myself, wrapped the towel around my waist and completed my morning routine by brushing my teeth. Once done, I stepped out of the bathroom, still with the towel around my waist.

"Morning, mi amor", I said as I casually walked out of the bathroom.

"Morning, did you shower?" I hummed in response and walked into her closet knowing I had some comfortable clothing in here. I learned my lesson as I spent the day here after attending a meeting -where I, obviously, wore a suit. I had to keep the suit on the whole day until I returned to the hotel I was staying at.

As soon as Valentina was done in the bathroom and we had both eaten breakfast, I pulled her aside since we should talk about what was going to happen next.

"I'd like you to come with me next week when I return to Spain." She stared at her blanket for a while, thinking, probably.

"Okay", she then said after some time, "When do you anticipate the wedding to be?", she asked, seeming genuinely curious.

"Well, I talked with Alessandro already and he said that they'll be moving back to Italy around a week after you'll leave", I started, "so I thought we should wait around four to six weeks so they can settle in before the wedding. I also thought that you might want to take your sister with you when you're going shopping for your wedding dress." I had thought about all of this for a long while now. Since she'll be coming back with me next week I, firstly, thought I could make the wedding around two weeks later. But seeing as her siblings are moving back to Italy and will need some time to handle everything I postponed the wedding.

"When are we leaving?"


To be continued... 
estúpida - stupid

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