Authors Note!

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Hey guys! Long time no update or reply.

Im really sorry. Here are my reasons for not updating, some are good/bad/or lame.

1. I was just lazy and had major writers block. Sorry guys.

2. I was grounded from my latop for a couple months.

3. I was having trouble, because of cutting issues.

4. I was being bullied and teachers, friends, and parents notcied my drastic change in how I acted, so for a month or two I had to deal with that.

5. My computer has been acting up also.

6. Finals were a major problem.

7. Cheering and tumbling were a big problem also.

8. I have been getting a lot more homework so that has taken up a lot of my nights.

9. I had to spend time with family and friends.

10. I hate to admit this, but I could of had forgotten about the story.

I know you guys probably dont care about the reasons or even for this little update about why I haven't updated. But, I just wanted to let you all know,

Since its a New Year! I will be upating a lot more and quicker! No more long waits!

I am really, truely, madly, deeply, sorry! I will make up it with hopefully longer chapters! YAY!

Oh, and it you guys want to get to know me more just message me! I love talking to people and love getting new messages! Makes me feel special! Hahah!

Or if you guys just need to rant or blow off steam message me. I will happily listen!

Oh, and I dont reply to your comments, its because i'm to lazy to or there are just to many comments. But I do read them and I always smile at them.

You guys will want to hear this! I will be updating in the next couple days or week! So be prepared for the new chapters for the new year! Woop Woop!

I am truely sorry for waiting four months to update! please forgive me and please message me sometime guys!

                                                           I love you all my Lil' Carrots! :*

Carrots.... really? ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now