Chapter 8. The date. Part 3

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" I kissed your cheek. How is that a kiss tease?" He said smirking knowing what I was talking about.

" You made me think you were going to kiss me twice! That certainly is a kiss tease!" I yelled at him. I just want to kis- smack that smirk off his face right now.

" Oh, so you want me to kiss you?" He asked me, still smirking. I made it clear I want to kiss him. Why wont he just kiss me already? Woah! Did I just think that? Why I must be really desperate.  Blushing from what I was thinking I quickly looked away from Louis so he wouldn't see.

" Yes! I have made it clear already that I want to kiss you! Your just being a flippin kiss tease. By letting me think your going to kiss me, then kiss my cheek or whisper in my ear!" I yelled. Getting more frustrated by the second. I'm not going to make the move to kiss him. I think the guys should make the move first. I just think it's weird when girls do it.

"Oh really?" He said while grabbing my waist and pulling me on his lap. Then he started leaning in, I closed my eyes and started leaning in as well. Then I felt him kiss my cheek. Again. Of couse silly me would expect a kiss on the lips. Ugh! Damn it Louis! I leaned into him sighing.

His chest was muscular. Oh, he smelled good too! He smelled sort of woodsy/ I don't know, but it smelled gooood! I leaned into even more just to smell his wonderful smell. Strange? Maybe. But, if you smelled him you would do the same.

" Louis you smell good." Wait, did I just say that? Holy fudge cows! Thats so embarassing. I feel the vibration from his laughter. Oh great, he's laughing at me now.

" Why thank you Belly," He then bent down and... sniffed me? " You smell good youself." He said smiling, but not for long. He then burst out laughing again. First he sniffs me, then laughs at me. Fun!

" I'm hungry! Did you bring food?" I asked. I was getting quite hungry actually.

" Your sounding like Niall! Oh, and yeah I brought food. But, I think I might eat it all myself." He said laughing. I playfully hit him in the chest. He faked gasped and grabbed his chest and yelled.

" Ouch! My boobie! My precious boobie! How could you evil woman!" He said while fake pouting, and still holding his "boobie", oh Louis.

" Whatever Louis. Just get over hurt boob and get the food. Im hungry!" Right after I said that, my stomach growled.

" Well Bella, I can see your hungry. I think I might get your food, before you eat me." With that he ran to the car to get good the food. I watched him open the trunk and pull out a picnic basket. After he pulled the picnic basket out, he shut the trunk and ran back over to wear I was.

He sat the basket down, then sat down next to me. Smiling he started pulling out the contents.

" What we have hear are carrots," Of course he brought carrots. "Ranch, and turkey and ham sandwhichs. What would you like first? Wait, I'll be fixing your plate for you." With that he pulled out a plate and put carrots, my bad, a bunch of carrots. Then some ranch, then a turkey sanwhich. Next, he pulled a coke can and handed me the plate and coke.

" There you go! Now time for me to fix me plate!" He said. Then grabbed another plate and piled on carrots. Grabbed a turkey and ham sanchwich and a coke, then sat bakc down next to me. I looked at his plate and realised he had no ranch on there.

" Why don't you have any ranch?"  He looked at me, then at his plate. His eyes got all big, like he was shocked.Then quickly grabbed then ranch and drenched his carrots in it.

" I do now! I do now! See!" He then shoved the plate in my face. Shaking my head I pushed the plate away.

" I see Louis. Now eat. Plus, do you ever stop yelling?" I couldn't help my laughter. He glared at my and took a bite of a carrot.

Carrots.... really? ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now