Chapter 11.

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" He tired... to .. to .. to kill me. But,... .. my brother instead." I replied.

Louis instantly pulled out his phone and texted someone. I looked up at the guy who tried to ruin my life, he was staring at me smirking. I moved closer to Louis who was looking at my house door. Then all of a sudden Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Darbi are came running out to us. Darbi quickly pulls me closer to her and walks us to where were infront of the door and can run inside if need to. She knows what happened and doesn't want me to get hurt again. The boys join Louis at looking at the guy. Jeremy, that's the name of the guy, started backing out of the light spotted area. 

Stopping he said, " Isabella, i'm out now. You can't hide anymore, I still know where you live. I will make sure to get you, without anyone getting in the way again. Remember that." With that he turned and walked away. I'm then pulled inside by Darbi. She pulls me into the living room, then sits me on the couch. I'm still in shock, I can't believe he's out of jail.

Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn walk in, looking confused, angry, and sad. Louis walks over and sits on the other side of me and pulled me into his arms. Harry sits next to Darbi, Liam sits in the chair, Zayn sits on the floor facing me, Niall sits next to Zayn.

" Bella what was that out there? That guy seriously tried to kill you? Could you please explain so we know what to do incase something happens?" Liam asked. Louis' arms tightened around me. I took in a deep breathe and looked up at Louis, he nodded telling me its ok to tell them.

" Ok. His name is Jeremy. As you know he tired to kill me, but killed my brother instead. My brothers room is still in the basement, so thats why you didn't see it upstairs. He was 18 and I was 16 at the time. Brad, that was my brothers name, started hanging out with Jeremy. Who at the time was 18 also. Everytime Jeremy was around I would always stay away. He would always stare at me in a creepy way. I tried telling Brad, but he never listened. He would always say I was just over exaggerating. Whenever we were alone, which was rarely, he would always make pervy, harsh, or plain creepy comments," I stopped and looked at everyone. Liam looked sort of horrified and angry, Louis looked like he was ready to kill. Wait till, he hears what happened, he will be ready to kill. Harry looked angry, Zayn looked mad. Niall, looked sad, and angry. Then I looked at Darbi, she looked beyond pissed, knowing what happened, then hearing it again, probably only makes a person madder. I took a deep breathe and continued.

" Then one time while Brad was at football practice and my parents were at work. I was in my room doing my homework, when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I thought it was just Brad, thinking he got back from practice early, so I yelled come in. The person that walked in was Jeremy. I was confused on he got in my house when all the doors were locked. He walked over to me, through my homework off my bed, while he did that I quickly grabbed my phone and hit the emergency call button. Within seconds it was calling Brads number. I quickly hit speaker before I was shoved back so i was lieing on my back. Then Jeremy was on top of me.,"

" Then I felt his fist connected with my jaw," Then I felt Louis' arms tighten even more, then I heard Niall gasp. " I scremed from the pain. Then I looked up to a smiling Jeremy and yelled, " Why the hell did you punch me?!?" Then i was slapped. He yelled shut up, and slapped me again. I was screaming and crying from the pain in my right cheek, and the right side of my jaw. I was silenced by his lips crashing down on mine. I tried pushing him off, but he was to strong. He was on the football team, and was suppose to be at practice. I hoped my brother was on his water break so he could hear and come save me from his psycho friend.,"

" Then I kneed him where the sun don't shine for boys. He groaned in pain and pulled away. While I took this oppurtunity I yelled, " Brad if you are on the phone come help me! Jeremy is be-" then I was cut off by I punch to my jaw on the other side. Then I barely heard yelling from my phone, I screamed in pain from the punch I had just recieved. Then I yelled, " Brad please come help me!" Then i recieved another punch, but to my right eye. Jeremy then screamed in my face telling me to shut up or he'll kill me. Then he grabbed my phone and said into the speaker, " Sorry Brad but your sister doesn't deserve life." Then he hung up, and tossed my phone across the room. I layed there crying, he grabbed my face and crushed his lips onto mine. I tried pushing him off, but it was no use. Then i felt him pull down his pants, then boxers. I started screaming. He just pulled away, slapped me, then went back to kissing me, while i screamed."

Carrots.... really? ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora