Chapter 12.

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Louis' Pov

That night we packed her bags. The next morning we were all on the tour bus, Darbi was coming along too. She still had to get more clothes for tour. Harry and Darbi went in her car to go get more clothes, then their coming back to the bus. If your wondering, the bus has been fixed, so it doesn't  show any signs from the crash.

Bella and I are cuddling on the couch right now, Liam is sitting on a chair across from us doing a twitcam, Niall is sitting next to us eating. Zayn is in the bathroom fixing his hair, again. I look down at Bella, and I just can't believe that sick person could do something like that to someone. It just disgusts me! I stare at her a couple more minutes, till i'm brought out of my thoughts by her speaking.

"See something you like?" I looked away embarrassed she had caught me staring.

"Yeah. Why else would I be staring at my girlfriend? Hmm?" I laughed when I saw her blushing from my comment.

"Well, um, I don't know." She said looking away blushing in embarrassement.

"You know your cute when you blush?" She looked at me blushing even more than before.

"W-what? I'm not blushing."

"You wish you weren't blushing. Sorry, but you are blushing." I said winking at her.

' Ugh! I have to pee, i'll be back." With that she walked over to the bathroom. She yelled at Zayn to get out of the bathroom, he didn't. So then she pushed him out, and shut and locked the door. Zayn stomped over and sat on the other side of me.

"I was fixing my hair, then she made me stop. Not cool!" He huffed out. Niall, Liam, and I burst out laughing. Liam stopped his twitcam, and Niall had finished eating.

"We barely have time before she gets out of the bathroom, so i'm going to explain fast. Don't interrupt either," I looked at Liam. "Anyways, i'm going to find Jeremy, and he will wish he had never done anything to her. Or kill her brother. I'm going out to find him later today when Darbi is back. Okay?" They all looked shocked.

"Louis, you could get killed. What are you thinking?" Liam asked, serious as ever.

"Yeah. Louis, you have done some pretty dangerous stuff. But, this by far is the most dangerous! Louis do you really like her that much?" Niall asked. He sounded confused. That's normal for him.

"All I have to say is, don't get yourself killed. Plus were here for back up." Zayn stated, sounding worried.

"Liam I know. Niall yeah, but I think I might actually... love her. I know, I hope you guys are there for me." Then Bella walked back in and sat on my lap.

"What were we talking about boys?"

"About how long you took in there!" Niall yelled.

"If you want to know, my monthly friend decided to drop by." Niall face went into complete digust. I started laughing, Zayn looked at me in complete disgust. Liam was laughing too.

"I have four sisters, and Liam has an older one. Were kind of used to this stuff Zayn."  He mumbled something then went to bathroom to fix his hair again. We all started chatting again till we heard a scream, then Zayn came running out.

"What in the world Zayn?! Your acting like there's a killer on the bus!" Liam yelled at Zayn. He pointed and Bella, and looked ready to throw up.

"Her.. t-t-tampon was in.. p-p-plain sight! It was disgusting!" She looked at him laughing.

"It's in the trash, so you would have had to of been looking in there to see it." He mumbled whatever, and walked back to the bathroom.

"That was. . . ineteresting." She laughed. Then Harry and Darbi walked in. Bella shot out of my lap and grabbed Darbi's arm and pulled her into the bunks area. In the process, Darbi dropped her bags at the door. Harry shook his head, then walked over and sat where Zayn was sitting before.

"Ok you guys i'm heading out now. Liam, Niall, explain to Harry." Then I walked to where Bella is. I walked up to her and pecked her lips.

"I'm going out for a bit. I'll see you later." Then I walked out of the bunk area, then out of the door. I walked to her house and sat on the porch steps, since the bus was parked infront of her house. I have a feeling Jeremy will be making a visit tonight.

About 20 minutes later, I see a figure walking down the sidewalk towards her house. I started walking towards the figure. Then I stopped halfway from it, making sure im still insight incase the boys need to help. The figure continued closer, till he was right infront of me.

"Jeremy leave my girlfriend alone!" I spat at him. He didn't look fazed one bit.

"What are you going to do? Have your mom fight your own battles for you? I will get her, if you like it or not! Now get out of my way!" With that he tried pushing past me, but I grabbed his arm. I turned him around and gave him a pucnh to the nose. I heard a crack. Then I was on the ground.


Sorry I haven't uploaded in like forever!

This chapter is just a filler. The fight will be next chapter. I wonder who will win? I wonder if the boys will come to the rescue? I don't know.

I'm hoping to upload soon. I don't know when though. But, soon. =D Hope you liked the filler.

Comment, vote. If y'all like! =D

Later gators! =D


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