Chapter Nineteen: Counting Stars

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A/N: I Don't Know Why by AVAION


Chapter Nineteen: Counting Stars

Something warming, almost scalding hot drips onto my check and I bolt up like I was a vampire coming out of the coffin. My eyes open to a sky on the brink of twilight, the stars scattered about the blue, black, and burnt orange rim. I feel another scalding drip land on my hand this time as I look up, expecting something like rain but instead I see only stars...but they were melting and dripping like wax.

I should be used to dreamscapes by now...but I'm not.

I don't know how I'm even here...Only thing I remember is a building about to collapse on I dead?

Nah, this isn't my dream.

I look around as I try to stand up and see I was on a dirt road, leading through some distorted forest.

Trying to hold in a sigh, I look up and down the freakishly white sand road, expecting another helpful hint as to what I'm supposed to do now.



All the times I get voices and shit, I get nothing this time. Not like it'd help.

Thanks for nothing. As always.

A tap of water hitting a leaf snaps my attention into the treetops of the dark forest and I see the faint light from the star...wax? Hitting it before disappearing.

The sound of slow thick raindrops resounds out as I bring it into focus. It was the stars. Dripping candle wax and I fixate on the stars; they were literally dripping, running wax like blood; bleeding trails along the night, onto the Earth.

The Dreams are dying.

Ah...great...that was more my own thoughts rather than a voice in my I'm stuck inside a Queen again. Fuck my life.

So follow the yellow brick road, or rather, follow the questionable sand road down towards scare jump lane. Which way though? One seems to follow the side of a lake towards a bridge while the other way went deeper into the forest which led to basically nothing.

Like the dead zone of Zoe's forest, kind of 'nothing'.

The bridge it is.

If there's a troll ready to jump out, I'm gonna tell it to take a hike, the real troll's in town.

As I step closer to the bridge, I feel an anxiety accelerating my veins. It burns. Am I going to have to do the same thing again? Every time I've met with a Queen, I've had to kill them. I don't know if I'll be able to face it again...or know what exactly I'm supposed to do.

It feels like something's missing.

Yeah the stupid ass riddling voice in my head.

My thoughts stop anyway when my feet hit the bridge. I was expecting something like the bridge to explode or to swallow me whole. But instead, all I get is that it was crossing over to an island.

After a noticeable twenty seconds of walking on the bridge's asphalt path, it hit me. The bridge was never ending. The slow dripping wax hit everything around me is the only thing that's. changing around me As I continue along it, I saw that the other side wasn't coming any closer. It still looked to be the same distance, even though I was leaving the side I started on far behind. what? I didn't want to go back. I don't think I'd be allowed to, I will probably get the same problem I'm having now. Stuck eternally walking through the same spot with no flipping end.

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