Chapter Five: Lonely Island

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A/N: Hey-o ヽ(^◇^*)/

I'm back! ...for now

I've taken leave and now on holidays until February when my new degree starts up, so hopefully I can have a little more consistency with the updates until then.  ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

And more fan art...I am loving this to pieces    (。・ω・。)ノ♡

 thank you so much @homestucksatanadiablo ! ...I don't know your username on Wattpad.. sorry... (⊃д⊂)


Chapter Five: Lonely Island

"Lighten up, kid. Look around ya! You have onion rings in your hand and we're in a giant-ass city with so many people that wouldn't even bat two eyelids at us. Just enjoy the moment."

I feel him kill the engine once we landed in an open deserted carpark that was partially covered by big thick trees. As I open the door, I could hear the wind brushing against the branches. It was hot, but was still better than the still muggy air.

Seth led me to a normal park table and benches, not backwards in sitting on top of the table and resting his feet on the seat. He immediately helped himself to the food, pulling everything out and began munching on it all hungrily.

I stare at the fries and paper wrapped cheeseburger. When was the last time I even did this? I think it was when Cody snuck out because Mum refused to even feed us fast-food. That was part of the was so long ago but now it feels like what I've been doing for the last ten years was the dream...or this was the dream...? It's getting confusing.

I saw Seth watching me while drinking his soda. "Hurry up and eat it before I get it all," he smirks as he pulls down my hoodie, revealing my face which I immediately pull back up. "Don't think too much, kid. Take that from someone who's learnt that the hard way."

I nibble on the thin fries before making my way through the cheeseburger and the addictive greasy taste which I could kind of understand why some people could eat this forever didn't hold much appeal to me. It felt empty.

I look down out in front of me and notice that there was a body of water. But there wasn't any sound, like the water wasn't moving. Looking further along this inlet out towards the distant horizon, I saw that it was the same lake that I've always seen but this time it wasn't putrid or twistedly just existed, like that giant goddamn tower that still looked massive, even as a "speck" on one side of the sea-like lake.

I looked around everywhere and saw that we were the only ones here. It was isolated and somehow lonely. It felt synthetic, like I was staring at a lie but it was peaceful, quiet and for once, the hatred and heat in the air wasn't as intense. I could almost breathe.

Just then the wind picked up and I could smell the rain coming.

"Feeling any better?" Seth's voice brought my attention back.

I look at him and back out to the lake, "It's nice to be outside," I'll give him that.

Seth chuckles, "That's what I like to hear. That and being told how awesome I am."

"Don't hold your breath."

"Ouch. But seriously though, I understand how you feel, being cooped up. Half of us that are with Siem do."

"And yet I'm met with pitchforks and torches."

"You're an obvious target there, buddy."

Everyone's a critic.

Lucid (BoyxBoy) {Pipe Dream: Book II}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora