Chapter Nine: Dodging Bullets

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A/N: Heyo ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

So...been a while. I'm so sorry as always but I've started a new uni course and it's scary af but i'm also fascinated by it...

and I've been sick these last few weeks and I can't take any cough medication as most contain codeine...and i'm allergic  (;¬_¬) and there's only so many throat lozengers and lemon drink I can handle...

Anyway. Life is busy but i will try to get around to my stories whenever I can.

I've also started uploading to Tapas as well if anyone is interested...

If not, completely up to you but please enjoy the chapter either way


Chapter Nine: Dodging Bullets

"Say 'what' to 'who' now?" my mouth hangs open in disbelief.

"It's fairly simple," Seth has been casually tossing a water-balloon in his hand up and down, catching it gently; rhythmically, without it bursting with a wide fucking grin that I was wanting to smack off his face when he first proposed the idea three seconds ago. He's dragged me to the giant-ass pool early in morning, forcing me to stand in front of a pole before tying my hands and feet to it while I'm still half asleep, not realising what's going on until after the zip ties had bound me tightly. You have no idea how much I was enjoying my sleep. "I throw, you stand there." He suddenly throws it at me without warning and the impact drenches my neck in icy, skin numbing water. It soaks through my clothes in a heartbeat, leaving me there freezing and rudely wide awake. The force behind it wasn't too gentle hit me with a vicious thud and it stung more than the water temperature -I swear he threw it like a gun threw a bullet. Jesus-fucking-Christ.

"What the fuck's your problem this early in the morning?" I snap back as he threw another water balloon at me, it smacks against the side of my face, adding to splattering against my skin and now half my hair.

"You're not allowed to dodge, that's why I tied you up. Stand there and take it."

"No thanks."

That grin didn't move from his face as he bent down to pick up another water which I noticed that he had two wide trays filled to the brim with water balloons. Just how fucking many does this bastard have? "What sort of punishment game is this?" Is this some sort of elaborate scheme he and Oz came up with or what?

But his eyes harden, his grin dropping for a minute to look at me seriously holding the next balloon motionless in his hand, "You need to stop them with your mind."

I stare back at him.

"You want to understand your abilities, right? So far, they only switch on when you're in danger or when you lack proper control." He chucks another and I move my head as the balloon clips my shoulder blade. The water was making my skin numb and breaking out in goosebumps as I shiver under his rain of plastic-bullet terror. "So...take away your natural physical reflexes, you're only left with this," he taps his forehead, "as your last defence."

He throws another, getting me in the leg. "So...we'll start off nice and easy."

"This is 'nice' and 'easy'!?"

His grin returns, "Just be glad I filled these with water...this time..."

This time!? Another balloon hits me in the side

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