Chapter Three: Familiar Sunset

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A/N: Heyo,

So I've attached a picture of my very first fan-art! Never ever thought I could get something like this...ever! So this is awesome!  

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ  Awesome work @TryHardTrash.

If anyone has any they want to share (or show me), by all means send them in to my tumblr account and with your permission, I'll post them up with my chapter releases :) 

Song is Discovery by AK...very relaxing and the song I had on loop when I was writing this might also notice I don't put much thought into the chapter titles  ╮(─▽─)╭ 

Annnnnd I. Am. Finally. On. Holidays!!!! So I can get back to pumping out a few more chapter before work starts up again after Easter.

Talk to you soon 



Chapter Three: Familiar Sunset

I couldn't break out the reverie, my eyes were stuck to the blackened screen. It became suddenly very hard to breathe.

Oz closes the screen onto his desktop background and I blink once. Twice. Realising that there was nothing but still silence surrounding me, I became brave enough to look away, my eyes looking down at the blurring floor.

Blurry? I reach up and push away the tears before they spill. I can't cry. I won't cry.

"Kagen Ježek?" I could feel Oz's curious stare on my face.

Taking a shaky breath, my lungs painfully protesting their expansion. I was able to speak, "Yeah. When can you get the program running globally?"

"Give me a few hours to enter as many Cities as I can," Oz replies back, bringing up some new programs with weird cryptic binary running through it.

"Ok," my voice was distant as my feet took me away from this floor. I needed to get out of here for a while. I ended up back in the elevator but didn't push the buttons, just sat in the corner as I unfocused from reality.

I felt Lady somewhere in the distance of my mind. Even though she had physically sat down beside me, leaning some of her weight on me, she still felt far away.


"You ok?" Seth was kneeling in front of me.

I scoff at myself, "I've been broken so many times, you'd think there'd be nothing left." Instead there's just more pieces to smash. The numbness was setting in, my brain wasn't processing anything properly.

"I don't think anyone would come out of this without a few cracks in the armour. But we have something. Something real. You aren't working from nothing as you have been since the day you arrived here."

Felt like an eternity ago, now.

"Who'd have thought it'd come from a dream."

"More like a nightmare that wouldn't shut up."

"Are you still having them?"

"No." I look Seth in the eye, "But I'm tired." I've been tired for years. Tired of the running and being scared all the time; having to act brave or that I knew what I was doing and most of all; losing. Always losing. I shut my eyes, holding my head as a headache sets in, throbbing with a spiking pulse as I lean on Lady a little more.

"You should get some rest," Seth pats my shoulder before standing again. "I'll help Oz speed up the hacking. We can get it working in double time."

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