Chapter Twenty: Terminal Favour

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It's been a few months...


Chapter Twenty: Terminal Favour

I stare back at him.

I don't want to keep doing this. Being the death wish genie. This is the third time. I still don't understand what I'm supposed to do or why everyone think that I can keep doing it.

I feel powerless at his intense stare with the expectation that I...what? Wiggle my fingers and boom, he's dead.

Quick. Straight to the core.

...And right on time. I was almost missing you...almost.

"Kae...make it stop." Bolin echoes around me. It rebounds in my skull.

I curse that phrase to hell.

"I...don't want to," I wasn't sure who I was saying that to more...Bolin or myself. I don't want this expectation. I don't need this.

Then who will?

The fog rises and swirls, engulfing me again and ensnaring my view like it was trying to snuff out the lamp that was still beside me. I stare up at it before I feel something tremor from below me.

I was on the unbroken bridge.

I hear the drumming of frightened footsteps. Quickly as it comes, the panting breath of the desperate mouse in a chase. The quick shift in air as something runs past me in the fog, brightening it for me to look down a barrel of a gun on the far side of the bridge.

"Stop!" The voice that rang out was too familiar.

The scene was set. Someone was running away. Seth had taken chase, only for someone from behind decide that the target was better off dead.

The familiar sound of a single bullet firing and landing with the lethal sink into a body rang out. So too the echoed thud of deadweight hitting the ground, the quarry never making it to the other side.

Seth stopped suddenly. Shock etched into his form. He stares blankly through me, at the dead person behind me.

Why are you showing me this?

The person, wearing the insignia of the familiar blue snake lowers the gun and begins walking with a smirk on their face. It was indistinct. But I felt Seth's quiet and embroiling rage.

Just as the man was about to clap Seth on the shoulder as if to taunt him or expecting to be told he did a good job, Seth switched gears.

In that split second, Seth grabs the man's wrist, pushing him to the ground. Without a hint of hesitation, his other fist hammers down. It lands like a clap of thunder. was not lightning that followed. As the second of silence ticked, the bridge too let out a crack before it was engulfed in fire. As the bridge collapsed, the wall of fire swallows the bodies of the Suppressor and the victim. But Seth was replaced with flame. He was the hellfire. He killed the proof of their target and the killer. The fog swarms around me, only to deposit me back on the island side of the broken bridge where I see Seth staring over the now gap of water, the ashes of the dead and the bridge long settled on the bottom of the lake. But he was still standing there. Shaking to the cold but his eyes were fixated.

Bolin did not want this found. Bolin wanted the dead to find peace without being known...and let it be Seth's burden to bear.

"The person they were chasing was my niece. Though Seth had a hard time remembering me, he found that little bit of knowledge...a little trail I had forgotten he could still pick up if he dug. Which he did." Bolin stated, resigned.

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