Mrs. Lange

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You tell everything that happened with your mother then with Mrs. Theron to Katy, then you call the others by video to tell them too. After another interrogation from Katy about your teacher, you played some video games and then watched a Netflix series. Now it's 1am and you decide to go to bed because you start class at 9 tomorrow. In bed you chat for a while and then tiredly, you fall asleep. The next day you use Katy's makeup and you choose one of your outfits because out of habit of coming to your best friend's house urgently, you left some clothes at her house just in case. When you're ready you go to Starbucks with Katy and you meet the others there. You talk a little and go to class. Of course you're late and the professor looks old and boring. "You are late young people."

Andre: Yea we noticed.
Laura:  Let's be honest, the first ten minutes of class are always useless.
Teacher: Well in this case the whole lesson is useless!
(y/n): Ah you're the one who said it.

He doesn't add anything confused about your attitude and start teaching. After that lesson you've met other teachers and scared them all. Then at lunch time you go eat at Max's because his parents run a restaurant and you have plenty of time before you go back to school plus the time delay of course. You are happy with yourselves since you have frightened your teachers and the majority of the class. You act mean the first day then you're in peace the whole year. Except with Mrs. Theron, you warned your friends to be nice to her and they agreed with you since she is cool.

Charlize's pov:

It was lunchtime and I decided to eat with the other teachers, among them there is Jessica Lange one of my friends, it's thanks to her that I have this job and she is the kindest person. We talked about random things and then about the students more specifically about my students.

(Sorry for the names lmao)
Mr. Boreing: No the class is great but it's you know, them...
Charlize: Who, them?
Mr. Watevor: There are 5 students always together which are "disturbing"
Ms. Idontno: Yes and the worst is... uh what's her name again?
Charlize: (y/n)?
Ms. Idontno: Yes exactly!
Charlize: It's strange because in my class they are not that bad. I have an hour with them later, I'll see how they behave.
Jessica Lange: Personally I have them after lunch, I'll check too.

Charlize thanks her friend and the subject changes. (y /n)... it's true that she doesn't seems "easy" but she was nice to me yesterday. She intrigues me, there is so much I want to know about her...

your pov:

It's time to go back to school, you obviously arrive 10 minutes late to your next class. You enter the classroom without knocking and the teacher immediately smiles at the little group.

Jessica Lange: The late students, you are probably the 5 terrors that fright everyone since this morning.
(y/n): Oh you heard  about us, I guess there is already people gossiping.
Jessica Lange: Yes, the teachers you had this morning. They are kinda traumatized you know.
(y/n): Oh poor things...
Jessica Lange: You are (y/n) right?
(y/n): Yup, the one and only.
Jessica Lange: I understand you want to be rude to some of them, sometimes I want too. I have been working with them for 10 years and it is not a piece of cake. But be careful because if you're here it's because you all have great potential and it would be a shame to ruin it. Either way, a little fun never hurt anyone.

She smiles once again, you look at your friends and they nod.

(y/n): Well no need to be rude to you cuz you're cool!
Jessica: Thank you I feel very honored! Now listen I'm a history teacher so I'm going to start my lesson with a little story maybe you will be more comfortable if you sit down?
Max: Great I love history!
Andre: Same!
Laura: It's so cool!

You go to the free seats in the back since all the students know it's your spot. You sit down and quietly wait for Mrs. Lange's story. For the first time you really appreciate a lesson and Jessica's voice is so satisfying, she has an amazing  accent and your friends seem as mesmerized as you are. At the end of the class, you clap Jessica's hand, which amuses her. Then you head to the bathroom to check your outfit and your makeup but especially to be late for the next class.

(y/n): Guys we have another hour and then it's Mrs. Theron's class and-
Katy: Yesss we know exceptionally we arrive on time.
Andre: And no foolery during the hour.
Laura: You already told us a hundred times today!
(y/n): I know but I really don't want to bother her.
Max: Don't worry we can be angels when we want. (you nod) Can I have your eye liner?
(y/n): Of course, here love.
Max: Thanks babe.
Laura: You fell for her don't you?
(y/n): Nooo I just like beautiful middle aged women, y'all know it's my soft spot.

They all agree and you go scare the last new teacher. When his hour is over and he's traumatized too you almost run into Mrs. Theron's class. You are the first ones to arrive but before entering you catch your breath and you promise your friends never to make them run like that again. Then you walk in and say "Hello Mrs. Theron!" all together with big smiles and pretty faces of good students. She looks surprised but smiles back and greets you.

Mrs. Theron: I'm shocked to see you came early and first, what happened?

Katy: Nothing we are just very serious!

Mrs. Theron raises her eyebrows and you all smile like angels.

Mrs. Theron: This is not what your teachers told me...

Max: Oh even Mrs. Lange?

Mrs. Theron: No she actually really likes you but I still need to talk to all of you at the end of class.

(y/n): Shit, are we in trouble ?

Mrs. Theron: We'll see that, now sit please.

She looks at you again in surprise when she sees that you are sitting in the front row, waiting for the others. Noticing that she is looking at you, you smile once again innocently. Then you look at your friends and chuckle when you see them as wise as you are. The other students arrive and the lesson begins. During the whole hour you do not move and do not do anything stupid. When it comes to the end of the class, you all wait quietly for Mrs. Theron.

I might update again today 👀


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