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Monday you decide not to go. You're independent now, if you don't want to go you just don't and you're not ready to face Charlize. You don't know how she feels about all that but she was right about one thing, you need some time to think. Right now you're just scared about being rejected which is a very fair reason. You take some time for yourself and decide to do some art during the day. You receive several messages from your friends asking if everything is okay. You lied saying you felt sick, you kinda feel ashamed of the real reason and you can't tell them anyway. At the end of the day they tell you that Charlize asked about you and that she was rather concerned.

Your friends pov:

Max: She's not coming?

Laura: No she says she's sick.

Andre: Tell her to take care!

Katy: And that we'll watch Mrs. Theron for her.

Laura: You guys, didn't you notice anything suspicious about these two?

Max: Well she said something was happening.

Katy: And today she's not coming... you might be right Laura.

Andre: Should we ask Mrs Theron ?

Laura: No never, she can't know that we know.

Andre: Fair enough.

They nod and go to theater. Of course Charlize notices directly that the group is lacking somebody, and not any somebody. "(y/n) is not with you today?" She asks as they enter. Laura shakes her head. "She's sick today." Charlize repeats to herself "sick mmh" and goes back to greeting her students. Your friends all looked at each other thinking the same thing. At the end of the class the teacher asked to talk to them again. "You guys are very good friends right? Do you know if she's been doing okay lately?" They look at each other with a knowing gaze. Laura talks before the others to prevent them from saying something stupid. "Not really, why?" Max cannot help but add something. "Did you notice anything off with her?" Laura discreetly nudges him as Charlize thinks about her next words. "Well she seemed... No that's probably nothing. Sorry for the bother, you can go." Your friends left pretty confused and talking about what just happened.

You went back the day after and during all week knowing you won't see Charlize but Friday you actually have theater with her. You actually decide to go and the day was okay until Charlize's hour. For once you are unintentionally late and as you walk towards the classroom you see the woman waiting for you. You froze seeing her and you are suddenly invaded by anxiety. You stop and your friends do too noticing you. "Are you okay (y/n)?" Asks Katy. You shake your head no. "I'm sorry guys I can't do it! Apologize to Charlize for me." And just like that you turn around and walk in the other direction under the questions of your friends. Charlize notices that something is wrong and rushes to your friends asking them where you're going. Max replies first. "We don't really know either, she said she couldn't go and just left." The teacher knows immediately what this is about and almost runs after you.

You had to go through a long hallway to leave and so Charlize sees you in the distance and screams your name. You notice she's following you and getting close as you turn around so you walk even faster. "Leave me alone Charlize, I can't right now!" She increases her speed too and actually runs to get to you. She grabs your arm and force your gaze on hers. "(y/n) What the hell is happening?" You pull away from her grip and try to keep walking. "Nothing, let go!" As soon as you're free she pushes you to the nearest wall and stands in front of you to prevent you from running away. "You're not going anywhere  little one." "Fuck you!" You try to escape again but Charlize grabs your arms and slams you against the wall a second time. You growl at the violence of the impact and notice that Charlize has her angry face. "Don't talk to me like that (y/n)." Your bratty little side wanted to say something provoking but you don't have time to pick an answer since you hear a door opening.

It's just students arriving in the corridor. Charlize lets you go just in time before they enter allowing you to rush to the exit. She sighs seeing you leave and goes back to her class. As she enters your friends notice that you're not with her and that she looks pretty upset. They discreetly text you, worried.

Max_✨: (y/n) what's wrong ??

🤟Lau-rat🤟: We know something is up with Mrs Theron

KaTy🖤: You don't have to tell us of course but we're worried for you

(y/n)💀: I'm sorry you guys I wanted to tell you since a lil while now but it's complicated

An_D_re ⚠: We are your friends but we understand that you need some privacy

(y/n): Exactly but I think it's time I tell you let's meet this weekend

Max_✨: Yes perfect ! Laura's house

🤟Lau-rat🤟: Hey why always me

(y/n)💀: You do have the coolest house of them all

An_D_re ⚠: And the biggest

KaTy🖤: And no parents around !

🤟Lau-rat🤟: Okaaaay my house Saturday

You smile at your phone reassured that your friends have your back however you still need to think and calm down. Without thinking you walk towards the abandoned gymnasium, you need your safe place right now. Once there you sit on one of the benches and put some music on.

(You know what a gymnasium looks like but hey just in case)

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(You know what a gymnasium looks like but hey just in case)

As you choose the music you notice messages from Charlize, you're a bit surprised and check them out. You have 3 unread messages from Grrr Charlize 🥵: "(y/n) you can't avoid me forever", "Come back after class, we'll talk", "I'll come to your house if you're not coming back." Well good luck for finding me you think to yourself and text your friends about the messages you just received. Maybe half an hour after that you hear somebody entering the gymnasium. You thought it would be another teenager or your friends because not a lot of people know about this place but you're shocked to see Charlize coming up the stairs to join you in the stands. Seeing your astonishment she start saying something but you cut her off as she was about to walk on a damaged part of the floor. It's still an abandoned place after all. "Go around it, floor is broken." You sigh and point to the path she has to take. "What the fuck are you doing here by the way?"

I'm not dead people! Sorry I'm on vacation and internet is simply non existent so it took a while to post but dw I'm not leaving you hanging 🤚


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