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You meet your friends on the way to the next class, they're as late as you are except that you have a good reason this time. They all laughed seeing the satisfied expression on your face and your red cheeks. The rest of the day goes pretty quickly and after a little nap in a boring class you're ready to see Charlize. As usual with your friends you hurry to her class to show her how good and wise you can be. Get friends that are willing to run for you, it's not that easy. You arrive out of breath and regain your composure before entering the room. Once ready you walk in saying all together, "Hello Mrs. Theron!" She smiles pleasantly surprised. "Hello dummies." You burst out laughing, probably breaking the world record for the loudest laugh, then Laura slaps you hard on the arm. "Ouch! Bitch?" She raises her eyebrows. "The dummies (y/n)??" You chuckle not able to take her seriously. "Well I'm technically part of the dummies too." "Oh yes you are." Charlize added. You gasp and turn to her. "What is that supposed to mean?" She raises her hands as if she was surrounding. "Nothing sweetie."

Your friends are laughing quietly trying not to break up the not so serious argument. You pout and cross your arms so Charlize leaves her desk to kiss you on the cheek. You smile immediately as your friends melt because of the cuteness. Then they proceed to sit in the front row, you look at them confused. Katy explains noticing your questioning gaze. "What? You don't want to be the closest to your girl?" You look at Charlize which is just enjoying the interaction you have with your friends. "Of course but you're not ready for the gay panics I think." Max turns to you. "Oh trust we are!" You look once again at Charlize unconsciously asking if it's a good idea. "After what we already did, I think you'll survive (y/n)." You smirk knowingly under the "Ooooo" sound of your friends who are just shipping the two of you. The other students enter the classroom so Charlize puts on her teacher mask again. Her expression and tone change so as not to look suspicious.

She points to the free seat next to your friends talking to you. "Sit here, I want to keep an eye on you." As you go to your seat walking next to her you whisper, "Of course you do." You wink at her discreetly making her smile. She greets the students and her serious teacher act worked since you hear some people behind you talking shit. "They got in trouble again." "Mrs. Theron was mad at (y/n) when we arrived." "Oh that's why they're on the front row." Andre turns to you and whispers, "She's smart!" You look at her leaning on the back of your seat. "She's everything." You hear a collective "aww" from your friends which you respond with a "shut up!" You all laugh quietly then focus on the class that is starting. Charlize stands in front on her desk and start talking. "Before to start today's class I have good news for you. A dear friend of mine, David Leitch, helps director Chad Stahelski on a movie called John Wick. Thanks to a little negotiation I managed to have an invitation to spend a day on the shooting set. So we're all going next Friday."

A hubbub is created as everyone begins to talk excitedly. Charlize takes advantage of the noise to ask you if you had found the surprise. You look at each other with your friends and sadly shake your head no. She smiles then waits for the silence to add details about the trip. Afterwards she asks if there are any questions and a random student asks how she knows the directors. You look at her genuinely interested in the answer. "It's been a long time now but let's say I had the opportunity to act in a few films in my youth." Max grabs your arm right away. "I knew it, that's why she looked familiar the first day." You gasp and turn to her. "Oh my god why didn't you tell me before Charlize?" You realize that the sentence is not really appropriate for a teacher after saying it. Luckily everyone talks again surprised by the news so they don't really pay attention. The woman approaches you so she can talk quietly. "I didn't really get the chance, and it didn't seem important anyway."

"This is insane Charlize, why did you stop?" She takes a moment to choose her words. "It felt necessary to share what worked for me with the next generation. At the time, I didn't know anything about cinema and how to get into this industry, so it felt important to pass on my knowledge to you." Katy looks at you. "You're dating a celebrity (y/n)!" You clap back immediately, a bit triggered. "No I'm not, I mean we're not dating... are we?" You sense that your remark disturbed her. "I don't really know but we'll talk about that later." She goes back to her desk as Laura whispers to you. "Wow cold." You nod. "Yup I saw that." She continues with the lesson. You're not really focused during class and Charlize notices that very quickly. "Are you paying attention (y/n)?"
"Sorry ma'am I have a lot in my mind right now."

"I'm sure you do but stay with us please." It's passive aggressive so you can't really read her. Andre whispers discreetly to you. "What was that?" You shrug. "I don't know..." At the end of the class your friends ask if you're leaving with them. "No guys I think I need to have a talk with my girl right now." Max pats your shoulder. "Good luck girl!" You stay seated as everyone leaves, when you're alone Charlize closes the door and comes back to you. She sits on your table as you don't move. You look up at her and open the conversation. "So? We never talked about it but what are we?" She thinks for a moment but you don't like the silence that is invading the room so you keep going. "You said you were ready to try something with me, and it's going well right?"
She finally looks at you. "Of course it does (y/n) but dating doesn't mean the same to you as it does to me. You're young you don't have the same desires, you don't want the same things-"

You stand up and take her hands in yours. "The only thing I want is you Charlize." She shakes her head. "Perhaps for now, but if in a month you get bored I don't know what I'll do..." You leave one of her hands to stroke her cheek. "Well you won't have to thing about it because it won't happen, it's a promise. And I understand that it might be a little quick to be a couple so let's say that we are linked but not together yet if it's reassuring to you, okay?" She nods. "Yes it sounds good. Thank you for understanding (y/n) and I'm sorry but it's just that..." You hug her already knowing the rest of her sentence. "I know Charlize, I know." She hugs you back. "Thank you (y/n)." You smile still hugging her. You then pull away and look at each other, you want to tell her that you love her but you just know it's not the right moment. After a little silence she asks you a question. "(y/n) would you like to sleep at my house tonight?" You smile and accept right away.

The story is going to get interesting I can't wait to share it with you guys hehe


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