y/n won at life

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"Are you hungry (y/n)?" You stand up from the couch and walk to her. "Depends on what type of hunger you're talking about." Charlize rolls her eyes as you grab her waist. "Because I actually see food right here." You wink at her and bite her lower lip. "(y/n)..." "Mmm?" She grabs your thighs and pulls you up on the kitchen worktop then kisses you once. "You're too distractinig little thing, stay here." You take her by the shoulders and bring her closer. "What if I don't?" She leaves her hands on your knees and raises her eyebrows. "Then no food for you... and before you ask, I'm talking about both kinds." You chuckle and ironically gasp in fear. "Alright I'll be nice!" She winks at you. "That's my good girl." Your eyes open wide and you put your hands in front of your mouth. "Charlize!" She smirks knowing exactly what she's doing then she goes back to cooking. She opens the freezer and asks. "Pizza?" You quickly nod. "You really need to ask??"

She smiles and gets a pizza out of the freezer. "I hope you'll like it, I did it myself." You jump off the kitchen worktop and take a look at the delicious looking meal. "Are you for real? We have to bake one together one day!" She nods and you get into a small talk while waiting for the pizza to heat up. Once it's ready you both go to the couch to watch tv while eating. After browsing through the channels you find The Devil Wears Prada and obviously watch that. After a little while you exclaim, "Meryl Sreep is hot." which is followed by a little slap on the shoulder from Charlize. You shrug. "What? It's true!" She nods. "Yes it is but the word hot is for me only." You reflect for a second. "That's fair enough actually." You wink at her and go for a kiss on the cheek but she turns her head last second to kiss you on the lips. You chuckle and kiss her quickly everywhere on the face. She laughs and pulls you in for a hug.

You stay in her arms until the end of the movie while making dumb lil comments about it. You feel so good and safe with her but you remember that you have a date with your friends to explain them everything tomorrow. Since it's getting late you ask a question shyly. "Hey, Am I... staying here tonight?" You already did when you were drunk but this is obviously not the same thing. Charlize smiles warmly at you. "If you want to honey." You blush at the sweet name. "I would love to! However I won't bother you tomorrow, I have to meet the dummies at Laura's house." She chuckles at the harsh name. "And do the dummies know about us?" You think for a second about should you lie or not but a good relationship is never based on lies so you tell her. "They know that something is up but I actually wanted to tell them tomorrow... if you don't mind?"

She looks away from you for a short moment then goes back to your eyes. "I guess they're like family for you. They have the right to know, but just them (y/n). Our situation is pretty risky you know." You nod agreeing with her. "Yes of course I wouldn't risk loosing you or what we have, you can be certain of it." She strokes your cheek softly. "Oh (y/n) you're the sweetest." You blush a little bit. "Yea I know that." She rolls her eyes and stands up holding her hand for you. "Let's go to sleep pretty one." You smile at the cute name and get up taking her hand. You go upstairs and Charlize shows you around the house since last time let's say you weren't in the best state for a room tour. Once in her room she gives you an oversized t-shirt as pajamas, you notice it smells like her and hug the piece of clothing. "You're aware I'm going to steal this right?"

She chuckles. "No need to steal it if it's a gift." You smile and jump on the spot. "Thank you Charlize you're the best!" She winks at you and tells you to go change. It takes you a moment to find the bathroom but you get there eventually. After taking a quick shower you put on your new t-shirt and you feel very comfortable in it. You come back to her room sashaying as a joke. She playfully claps for you as you lie down next to her on the bed. She turns to you and strokes your face softly. You get closer to one another as you wrap your arms around her. The other woman gladly gets into your embrace. You both close your eyes relaxing into each other's presence. After a little while of silence you finally say something. "I'm sorry for acting like such a child lately, I was so scared of rejection..." She keeps you even tighter against her. 

"It's alright (y/n) I know... you don't need to apologize. In addition, if I didn't like your attitude we wouldn't be together right now." You smile stupidly and lay your head in the crook of her neck. "Thank you Charlize." It's the last words you exchange before falling asleep peacefully. 

You have a smile on your face as soon as you wake up the next day. Charlize's body kept you warm all night and the two of you are still glued together this morning. You try to leave the bed as quietly as possible, you don't want to wake your beloved. You change to yesterday's clothes and take your new t-shirt in your bag. After fixing your face and hair in the bathroom you notice some messages from your friends saying that they are getting ready too. "I may take a little while to arrive, I'll explain." You replied. Then you go back to Charlize's room since you heard she was waking up. You sit on the edge of the bed next to her kissing her forehead. "Hi beautiful." She hums of satisfaction and takes you by the waist to make you lie on her. "I know you have to go but can you stay five more minutes?" 

She's asking that with the hottest morning voice. "Of course Charlize, everything for you." 

A cute little chapter because we deserve it🤚btw I don't think I said it already but thank you so much for reading this story, I truly appreciate it ! <3 


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