Chapter 3

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Finn opened my car door and set me down in the driver's seat gently.

"Do you need me to drive you home?" My eyes widened in shock.

"Hell no! I'm not letting some stranger know where I live!" He smiled like my assumption that he was crazy or dangerous didn't bother him.

"Well, sweetheart. How are you going to drive if you can't use your right foot?"


"Um. It's fine. I'll call my friend to come get me." He crossed his arms and took a step back away from me.

"Ok. Do it." I huffed and pulled out my phone. I hit call for my friend Penny, a fellow teacher, and prayed she answered.

"Why are you calling me? What happened to the "don't talk to me on the first day of summer" bull shit?"

"Penny. Shut. Up. I had a bit of an... incident and I need you to come pick me up."

"What? Are you ok? What happened?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I went for a hike and twisted my ankle and I can't drive with it. Can you come get me please?"

"Yeah of course just text me where to get you I'm on my way." I thanked her, hung up and texted her my location while Finn studied me closely.

"What?" I snapped at him. He smiled again. I think he likes my sass. Weird.

"Can I take you on a date?" I looked at him like he had just told me I was about to board a rocket into space.

"Um, why?" He chuckled and lowered himself in front of me.

"Because I like you."

"You don't know me."

"Not really, but what I do know I like, so I would like to learn more. Hence, the date." He reached up to tuck a stray hair that had fallen out of my ponytail behind my ear and I felt the weird tingles again.

"Can you hand me my water bottle please?"

"Once you agree to the date."

"Holding my water hostage will earn you no favors with me, sir." He relented and handed me my water and I chugged it, hoping it would clear my mind.

"How about this," Finn started. "give me your phone. I'll put my phone number in it, and you call me if you decide you want to take me up on my offer. Fair?" I thought about it for a moment. It's not like he would have my number and could send me an unwarranted dick pick, so I shrugged and handed him my phone.

"Where's your car?" I asked him.

"On the other side of the trail." I felt guilty for making him go so far out of his way.

"I'm sure my friend would give you a ride to it, if you want." He smiled and shook his head.

"Thanks, but I'll be alright."

A few minutes later we heard the crunch of car tires against the gravel road as Penny pulled up and got out of her car. She stopped when she saw Finn.

"Who's the guy." She pointed at him and looked at me.

"He helped me out of the forest. It would have taken me forever without him." She nodded in understanding and looked over his body appreciatively.

"Well, aren't you chivalrous." She said with a little too much sex in her voice for my liking.

"Yeah, he's great. Can we go? I need some ice." I snapped my fingers to get her attention and she hurried to help me.

"I got her." Finn said before lifting me out of the car.

"I can walk, you know." Finn shrugged.

"I know. But this could be my last chance in the history of forever to carry you. So I'm taking it."

He flashed me a wide grin that made my heart do a weird palpitation.

 Maybe I should see a doctor for that.

He set me down carefully in Penny's car and took a step back as I buckled my seat belt.

"Thanks again for helping me, Finn. I really appreciate it." He waved me off before leaning close and whispering in my ear.

"You can thank me by using my number." I couldn't stop the blush that spread over my cheek or the completely childish giggle that escaped me.

"It was nice to meet you, Penny!" He called over the roof of the car.

"Oh trust me, the pleasure was all mine." Penny winked at him and I nearly leapt across the center console to pull her ass into the car. Finn noticed the look on my face and chuckled before giving us one last wave and turning to enter the forest again.

"Sweet baby Jesus. If I knew they were hiding men like that out here I would have become an outdoorsy woman a long time ago." Penny said while fanning herself with her hand.

"Simmer down, hot totty." I said as I squeezed my water bottle in her face.

"God damn it Calli! I come all the way out here to pick you up and you try to drown me!" I rolled my eyes and gave her an evil grin.

"Drive, Jeeves!" I call to her as I point towards the exit. She pulls the car out onto the highway and starts toward home

"OK so what happened?" I sighed and put my head back against the head rest.

"I was walking along, minding my own business when a giant wolf came out of nowhere and tried to eat me. " I paused for Penny to have the correct reaction, which was to gasp loudly and look at me wide eyed.

"Then just before I became lunch, another wolf came and knocked out the first one. It was very Lion King-esque. I don't think I'm a big nature fan now."

"So, what about Finn?" I shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant even though my heart rate sped up and my hands started to sweat at the mere mention of his name.

"I ran into him and he carried me out."

"He carried you?!" She squealed.

"Well, yeah. It's not like it was difficult. Did you see his muscles?" She grinned at me.

"Oh yes. I noticed the muscles. There's one more muscle I wouldn't mind seeing in much greater detail. The one that was covered by his pants."

For some reason, the idea of Penny seeing Finn's dick really pissed me off.

Well, that's new.

Let's push that thought away.

"Please tell me you got his number." She begs me.

"I did. He asked me on a date. I'm not sure what to do."

"Um, you say yes, get a bikini wax, and let him buy you dinner. Dates with a guy like that don't come along every day."

"I know it's just.... I haven't dated since Paul." She sighs and reaches over to hold my hand. It's a simple gesture for most, but Penny is one of only three people I allow to touch me. The other two are my parents.

"I know, sweetie. But Paul was a piece of fucking trash inside of a dumpster fire and the longer you allow him to affect your life, the longer he holds power over you."

I could almost feel the power of feminism running through me. Girlfriend could preach.

"You're right. You're right. I'll think about it. Seriously."

"Well. If you decide not to call him please let me know because I would gladly take that phone number off your hands. I could go for a little jaunt in the forest. In fact, he could fuck me in a tree for all I care." 

For a brief moment the mental image of Finn pushing me up against a tree while he fucks me from behind invades my brain and I nearly choke on air.

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