Chapter 40

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Finn scooped me out of bed and into the living room where he sat down on the couch and cradled me in his arms as he wraps a blanket around me tightly. It felt a little like being treated like a baby, but it also felt nice so I let it slide.

Finn didn't say anything, he just ran his fingers through my hair and placed kisses along my hairline, cheek and jaw. I leaned into his touch allowing the sparks flashing across my skin to soothe my frayed nerves.

"You're a fucking bad ass. You know that?" Finn murmurs quietly to me as I sigh in pleasure from his hands on me.

"What?" I ask leaning my head to rest on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead, allowing his lips to linger for a long moment.

"You killed a full grown male werewolf all by yourself. You're a fucking legend." I snorte and lean over to nuzzle my face in his neck.

He lets out a low grumble of approval and I felt Titan push forward, inspecting me. I had a feeling he would be protective for a good long while after this.

"I shot him in the dick." I whisper and I feel Finn still, his hands ceasing their gentle movements.

"Seriously?" He asks, a hint of amusement in his voice and I nod. I consider for a second pretending that I did it on purpose, but decided against it.

"I was aiming for his stomach. It was a happy accident." I shrug and feel my body bounce with Finn's gentle laughter.

"That's great. Ian is going to fucking love that." He says with pride that makes my cheeks heat up.

Shortly after, Penny and Cam return with food and clothes for us. Cam is slurping ice cream off a spoon and I shake my head at him in amusement.

"What?" He asks through a mouth full of ice cream.

"Where'd you even get that this early?" I ask him trying to hide my smile.

"Oh, sister. I have my ways." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows at me and Penny smacks him upside the head.

"So I brought some food for the rest of the day and a change of clothes. Are you ok, sweetie? We were going to head back to the pack, but if you need me we can stay." Penny says her eyebrows furrowing with concern.

I shake my head and stand, crossing the room to her and pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'll be fine. Thank you so much, Penny. Someday I'll stop being the whiny, needy one in this friendship." She smiles at me and shakes her head.

"Never change, Calli. I love you the way you are." Unexpected tears threaten my eyes, but I push them back. I've cried enough for a lifetime.

"I love you too, Penny." I say as I pull her in for another fierce hug. I smooth down her hair and peck her on the cheek before releasing her.

"What about me? Do you love me?" Cam asks, pouting out his bottom lip. I chuckle and go to hug him as well.

"Of course, Cam. How could I not?" I ask cheekily as I sneak his spoon and take a bite of his ice cream. He gasps and pulls it away from me, causing everyone to giggle.

"I would have given you some. You didn't have to steal it you little thief." He huffs as he takes his spoon back. I laugh again and walk back to the couch where Finn pulls me into his lap, kissing my cheek.

"We'll be home soon." I promise them. They both nod and leave, shutting the door quietly behind them.

Finn grabs a burrito and starts to unwrap it. I go to grab one for myself when he lets out a warning growl.

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