Chapter 32

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After the ceremonies things quickly got back to normal. I went back to school and Finn went back to his Beta duties, but the sense of unease I felt around the pack continued to linger. I discussed it with Finn on numerous occasions, but he promised me it was just my imagination. I pushed it a few times, but he always disregarded my concerns. Like right now.

“Finn, I’m serious. Something is going on. I can feel it.”

“Baby, I’ve run around the pack every morning for the last two weeks. I haven’t seen or smelled anything weird and neither has our border patrol. Maybe you’re just getting used to all of the attention you’re getting as Beta Female.” He says.

He’s carrying me over to the Alpha house which I’m grateful for because it snowed last night. The pack looks beautiful with a blanket of sparkly white, but it is cold, and I hate being cold.

“So. What’d you get me for my birthday?” Finn asks with a cocky smile. I smile back and shrug.

“You’ll just have to wait until we get there, and you and Ian can open your presents together. But I guarantee you’ll love it.” I say.

“So you bought lingerie for yourself?” He asks and I giggle.

“Yes, but I left that at home. You don’t need to open that in front of Ian and Layla.” I laugh as he carries me up the steps and Layla opens the door.

“Finally! Ian is acting like a child trying to peek at his presents!” Layla exclaims with exasperation.

I giggle and hug her when Finn sets me down. The cake I baked is placed on the kitchen table and Finn carries the two bags of gifts into the living room where Ian is pacing. His eyes shoot up to us and twinkle with mischief as a grin crosses his face.

“It’s about time. Layla has been watching over the presents all day to make sure I don’t sneak peek! I’m dying to know what’s in them.”

“Well, I think we should have dinner first.” I say and Layla nods.

“Definitely. We don’t want you boys opening gifts on an empty stomach.” Both men groan causing Layla and I to laugh together.

“Where are Penny and Cam?” Layla asks as Finn tries to shake his gift from Layla and Ian. I snatch it out of his hand and put it on the table.

“They went to visit Penny’s family and got snowed in. Poor Cam.” I say and Finn chuckles.

“More like poor Penny’s family. How many pranks you think he’s pulled with nothing better to do than come up with new ideas?” We all break into laughter and sit the boys down.

“Alright here, open your presents.” I say handing them each a bag.

They open matching sweaters that I knitted for them. Finn’s blue and Ian’s red.

“Is this…?” Finn starts, his eyes going wide.

“No way!” Ian says excitedly, taking off his shirt and slipping on his new sweater.

“It fits perfectly, Calli! How did you do that? It’s almost kind of creepy.” I giggle and look over at Layla.

“What’s really creepy is that I have a bunch of pictures of you topless and sleeping with measuring tape on varying parts of your body. Layla sent them to me so I could get the measurements right.”

“Yeah. That’s actually really creepy.” Finn agrees slipping on his own sweater. “But this is amazing. It’s so soft! I’m never taking it off.” He says as he comes to give me a warm hug.

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