two. love, lust, and everything in between

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"So what do you think?",Charlie asks with a sweet voice.

Alastor follows close behind while Charlotte gives you a tour of the entirety of the hotel. He can't describe how he feels. All he knows is he sees you and only you. That glitter of wonder and curiosity in your e/c eyes as Charlie takes you through the hotel. From the kitchen where Niffty and Vaggie have begun dinner to the indoor pool.

He feels nothing but immense warmth and euphoria. The cold and emptiness in his chest has been filled with his warm love for you. This is your lifetime to be happy with one another. Alastor would have professed his undying love for you once again and asked for your hand if not for one factor.

It seems you're hiding something.

Alastor isn't stupid. He's smarter than most. That doesn't include you but he is smarter than it comes to you when knowing you. He knows everything about you. From the way that you play with your thumbs when nervous to how you can't look at him when you're hiding something.

What are you hiding?

For the sake of not spoiling such a joyous reunion he's not going to question you. No instead he's going to try and figure it out himself, with the help of Husk of course.

But it is going to be a bit difficult. You were fantastic at lying and deceiving people—one of the many things he loved about you but also something he hated to be on the receiving end of.

He could worry about what you're hiding later. Right now he just wants to enjoy being with you. Knowing you're still existing.

With a gentle smile and sigh he turns and heads off to the kitchen. Vaggie isn't the best cook in the slightest so it's best he's there to do all the work.

While touring around the hotel with the lovely Charlie your mind continues to wander and drift away. Aside from the usual smell of despair and death you can smell something else lingering in the air. It's a smell that wasn't in any of the outside areas and a smell that gets stronger the closer you get to the lobby.

Now on the floor of the lobby you sniff the air and the smell is stronger. It's a smell you've smelled before and your curiosity is getting the better of you.

"And that's the hotel!" Pulled out of your daze by the chipper voice, you turn to Charlie with a smile. She smiles big at you and breathes out deeply, her hands take in your gloved ones and she nods. "I'm so glad you've decided to join our hotel, you're going to love it here!"

You squeeze her hands in a reassuring manner and nod. "I don't doubt I will.",pulling your hands away you gesture ahead,"Do you mind if I get settled into my room? This has all been a bit overwhelming. I-In a good way! But still overwhelming."

Charlie immediately nods. "Oh yeah of course! I'm just gonna go help with dinner, we'll call you when it's done!" With that Charlie gives you one last glimpse of excitement before heading off. As Charlie walks past you her smile falls a bit and she grabs her own chin while furrowing her brows.

She feels as if she forgot to warn you about something...or maybe someone? She introduced you to everyone and showed you everything so what else is there to do? With a shake of her head she shrugs and continues on. Elated and hopeful for what the future holds.

Alone and with your curiosity at an all time high you begin to follow the scent. To everyone else in the hotel they're blind to it. Truth be told they just assume it's Niffty's cleaning products she's so protective over. But you know it's not a cleaning product.

It's a volatile chemical that smells like flowers and honey.

The smell is so distinctive for two reasons. One being this is Hell and nothing smells good, and two being it's a chemical you've been searching for for ages.

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