twenty-seven. a gift

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"No.",you say softly while running a hand down your face.

"No!?",everyone shouts in unison.

A loud sigh leaves your lips and you shake your head while sitting on the soft and comfortable hotel bed. "What Seviathan and Helsa tried to do was absolutely wretched and I hate them as much as you all do but...I'm so tired of all this drama and fighting. The betrayals and secrets-it's all too much now.",you frown softly while hugging the trash bin close to you. It's empty-for now.

"B-But they can't just get away with-",Angel stops abruptly when you put your hand up.

A soft smile spreads across your lips as you look to everyone. "They didn't get away with it. I'm still me and I still love all of you.",you shake your head while gently placing the bin down beside your legs. "I'm exhausted of everything. All I want to do is spend my time with my family. I don't want to deal with any of this, please respect my wishes and please just...let's push everything in the past."

Everyone looks between one another before they all reluctantly give you various ways of agreement-from reluctant grumbles to reluctant nods. You smile big and stand up, planting a kiss against each of their cheeks. "Thank you all. Now if you don't mind I want to talk to Alastor alone."

Your found family all nod and they proceed to leave the room. Angel Dust the last one out before he shuts the door and leaves you and Alastor in the room alone.

Turning to him it seems you both had the same need since he immediately wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close. Your arms wrap around his neck and your eyes squeeze shut. "I swear it on everything I love and adore I did not mean what I said...",you whisper shakily as tears begin to sting your eyes. "I love you and only you."

He holds your waist tightly and plants a soft kiss against your cheek. "I know...I love you.",he breathes out in a shaky manner. Tears roll down your cheeks and you pull away slowly. His hands gently shift up and they cup your cheeks, his thumbs wiping at your tears. He chuckles as you place your hands on top of his. "I suppose we should be grateful for that nasty stomach bug of yours."

You chuckle softly while reaching up on your tip toes and wiping the tears from his cheeks. "Very grateful, my love." A soft knock at the door makes you both turn before it opens. Your brows raise to see Angel holding something behind his back. He smiles and rubs the nape of his neck while walking in.

"Sorry I know you two wanted to be alone but smiles you think you could let me talk to Y/N for a sec?",Angel requests in a surprisingly nice and polite tone. Your eyes turn to Alastor who looks at you with a soft raising of his brows. Sniffling softly you nod while wiping away the rest of his tears and then wiping away the rest of yours.

"I should fix up our new home for your arrival, my love." Alastor plants a soft kiss against your cheek before disappearing into a cloud of grey.

The sound of the door clicking shut makes you turn back to face Angel. You smile at him softly and walks towards him, your finger playing with the ring you wear. "Is everything okay, Angel?",you ask with a sweet smile. The tall spider pulls a small box from behind his back and holds it out.

With curious eyes you grab the box and you laugh softly. It's a pregnancy test box. "What? Are you pregnant, Angel?",you joke while looking up. When you meet his mismatched eyes you feel worry at the serious expression on his features. He sighs softly and shakes his head.

"No but I think you might be.",he says in a serious and even manner. Blinking back rapidly you shake your head while trying to hand it back to him. He shakes his head. "I-I know it's not possible for sinners to get pregnant but come on, Y/N. You've been sick for the past few days, you're glowing, and your tits look amazing.",he talks rapidly with a nervous laugh.

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