Chapter Four

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It's been a week since Christina arrived in Forks and she already has a job working at the diner as a cashier. Even though Charlie assured her there wasn't any rush to get out and working she still wanted to just to get a little normalcy back in her life. Today she planned on going with Charlie to look at a few cars his friend Billy had for sale. Bella told Christina that Billy was the friend that sold Charlie the truck to him as well so Christina knew she could trust him in finding a reliable vehicle. As Christina got ready for the day she heard her cell phone ding with a text message

        "hey, checking in since I hadn't heard from you in a while. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am but maybe soon you'll forgive me. I miss you, call me please."

Sighing she threw her phone back on her bed and finished getting dressed and ran downstairs to fix breakfast. Bella had left for school and Charlie was already at the station for the day. With the house to herself and the next two days off of work Christina took her time eating breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen from that morning. She decided to clean up the living room as well which only consisted of getting a few beer cans out of there and straightening the blankets that were thrown on the couch. Overall Charlie kept a pretty clean house and Christina was pleased at that fact. She decided to kill some time waiting for Charlie by reading outside, so she went upstairs and grabbed the quilt off her bed and a book and went outside to lay in the rare, but welcomed sunshine.

At one point she dozed off but woke up when she heard the door to the police cruiser close. Sitting up she waved to Charlie who walked over and said "I see you're enjoying this weather too." Christina stood up and began to gather her things and said "I couldn't help it, it looked so inviting." Charlie smiled and said "It's nice having it out instead of raining for once. Well, I'm gonna go change and then I'll be ready to go, are you all set?" Christina nodded and said "yeah, let me run these upstairs and I'll meet you at the car" Charlie nodded and headed inside with Christina following.

Meeting Charlie at his cruiser Christina asked "so Bella told me that Billy lives on the reservation, how far is it?" They claimed in and Charlie said "not that far at all we'll be there before you know it. And don't worry about getting lost from there to here, its a pretty straight shot." Christina nodded and said "okay, sounds good." Charlie pulled out of the driveway and started down the road "so I talked to Billy yesterday and he said that they had another truck as well as a little old Volkswagen Beetle that's a little older, but runs pretty well. Jacob, his son is pretty handy when it comes to cars and so he was able to fix it up real nice as well." Christina smiled at her uncle and said "of course you know which one I'm getting, you know I've always wanted a Beetle." Charlie laughed and said "yeah I know, that's why I asked Billy to keep an eye out for one." "Thanks Uncle Charlie, now I can't wait to see it."

Charlie pulled up in front of a little red house and said "well now you can, we're here." They both climbed out of the car as a man came to the front of the house in a wheelchair. "Charlie, good to see you, hey, Harry left some of his fish fry here for you take home, almost had to hide it from Jake if you took much longer." Both men laughed and Charlie responded "well I'm glad that hungry crazed son of yours did get to my fish, might have to arrest him for theft if he did." Charlie gestured towards Christina "Hey Billy, this is my niece Christina, the one getting the car today."

Billy looked at Christina with kind eyes and smiled "It's nice to meet you, glad you finally came, I've heard great things about you from Charlie here." Christina smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said "thank you, it's nice to meet you also, I hear you might have a car for me." "I might, that is if you like light blue Volkswagen Beetles from the year 1980" he said with a smile. "Of course I do, can i go see it?" "Sure thing, just follow me." Charlie helped push Billy out to the garage where the car was being stored and they opened the big door. Christina smiled when she saw the car, climbed in the front seat and saw the keys laying there. "Mind if I start it up?" "Go for it, you can drive around too if you want just to make sure it runs well for you." "Okay thanks, I'll do that."

After driving around the reservation, making sure not to go too far so she didn't get lost, Christina headed back to Billy's place. Parking next to Charlies cruiser she stepped out of the car and made her way to the front porch where Billy, Charlie, and another man were sitting.

"Hey so, did the car meet your expectations?" "Yeah Billy, I really like it, it drives really well. How much did you want for it?" "Oh don't worry about that, I worked it out with Charlie already, we both knew the minute you sat in the car you would want it." Billy smiled at Christina "also, before I forget, Sam this is Christina, Charlies niece, Christina this is Sam." Christina looked at the man sitting in the chair next to Billy and smiled, the second her eyes met his she felt something stir in her, almost as if she could trust Sam no matter what. Sam seemed to freeze temporarily with a small smile on his face, shaking his head slightly he stood up and reached out his hand to shake hers "hi there, its nice to meet you, welcome to Forks." Christina smiled at him and met his hand in a shake and instantly felt invisible sparks between them. "Thank you, I'm really beginning to like it here" she said as he smiled back at her. He took a deep breath in and said "well Billy, I better get back home and talk with Mike so I'll see you later. Nice to see you again Charlie, and nice to meet you Christina." "Okay Sam, we'll see you later" Billy responded. "Good to see you again Sam, have a nice day" said Charlie. "Bye Sam, it was nice meeting you." Sam smiled and nodded before heading out to his truck and driving away.

"Well Billy, I hate to follow Sam's departure but we better be getting back too, it looks like it might rain soon and I don't want Christina to get confused on the way back home." Billy chuckled and said "Okay well then I'll see you both later, enjoy the car Christina, and if there's any issues at all don't hesitate to call." "Thanks Billy I'm sure everything will be good though." Charlie and Christina headed out to their cars and drove back to the house.

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