Chapter Twenty-Two

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After talking with both Sam and Charlie Christina felt a little bit better about the whole situation. Not comfortable with letting Derek have control in one way but knowing that this was the best solution sat a bit better with her. As she gathered more of her things and put them in the suitcases she thought about what they all decided. She would be moving in with Sam, Charlie was getting a few extra guys to keep a look out around town for Derek or anyone else that looked out of place. Christina also explained to work and why she wouldn't be back for a while. She hated to have to stop working there especially since she enjoyed it but both Sam and Charlie had been firm in that.

As she zipped up her last suitcase she heard footsteps coming up the steps to her room. Sam entered with Jacob to grab the last of her stuff to load into Sam's truck. "Jacob's going to drive my truck and I'll ride with you to the house, okay?" Christina nodded and took a deep breath going down the stairs. Stopping by Bella's room she knocked on the door but got no answer from the girl. Christina made her way the rest of the way downstairs and gave her uncle a hug.

"Hey I know you're moving out but don't be a stranger, this will always be a home for you whenever you need."

Christina smiled at him "thanks Uncle Charlie, I appreciate it. I'll be back to see you all, this isn't goodbye."

Bella came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen ignoring the rest of them. "Bye Bella" receiving no response Christina sighed "well we better get going then." Charlie frowned not liking how Bella ignored her and gave her another hug "I'll see you later kiddo. Love you." Christina smiled up at the man "Love you too."

Sam and Christina walked out to Christinas car and she handed Sam the keys. "I don't really want to drive right now." Sam nodded and gave her a kiss and opened her door for her. Sliding into the car she buckled her seatbelt and took a breath in "I just don't understand why she's mad at me." Sam looked over at her after pulling out onto the street "I don't either, she'll come around though, you'll see."

As they pulled up to the house Christina noticed that all of her stuff was already brought inside. She walked in and discovered the house incredibly quiet. "Where is everyone?" Sam walked up behind her "Emily and Nick went to her parents to visit and the other guys are out for a while. They wanted to give you some time to settle in and give us some quiet time." Christina nodded "well I should get to unpacking if you don't mind." Sam smiled "not at all, if you want I can help." She looked at him "you don't mind helping?" He laughed "no I really don't mind. It will make it go by faster too."

They both set out to get Christina's things put away. As Sam was working on the things to go in the closet, she was busy unpacking the bathroom stuff. As she was putting her toothpaste away she heard Sam call out "hey do you hang your jeans or fold them?" She walked into the bedroom to see him with a stack of her jeans. "If there's enough space to hang, I'd like to hang them but if not then folded is fine." He nodded and began to put them on hangers "There's plenty of space, but I know that Emily folds hers so I didn't know if that was a girl thing or an Emily thing." Christina laughed "I don't know on that but I hang mine." She went back in the bathroom leaving Sam to hang her clothes.

After they finished Sam went to the kitchen to whip up some quick food for them and Christina took a quick shower. After she finished she joined Sam in the kitchen and watched as he slid a few grilled cheese sandwiches on a plate. Grabbing some chips from the cupboard they sat at the table and began to eat. "How long is Emily and Nick gone for?" Sam finished chewing and said "only for tonight, they'll be back tomorrow afternoon." Christina nodded and finished her sandwich. Watching Sam put back his third sandwich she shook her head "I didn't think I could see anyone have three sandwiches but I guess there's a first for everything." He laughed and put his arm around her shoulders. "Hey, when I'm hungry, I'm hungry." She laughed with him "I guess so."

They cleaned the kitchen together and then went to sit on the couch to watch some tv. As the show finished Christina looked over at Sam "so the guys aren't coming over anytime soon?" He shook his head "nope, they'll probably be over in the morning though so be prepared for that." She nodded and looked at him "so we're all alone then?" He nodded "yes, why?" She raised her eyebrows at him and slowly smiled. "Ohhhh, that's why" he leaned over and kissed her "any ideas of what you want to do with all this alone time?" She giggled as he kissed her neck "I have a few." He laughed and picked her up and carried her into the bedroom to give her a proper welcome to the house.

Her Devotion [Sam Uley]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora