Chapter Eight

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Christina walked over to the door while trying to calm her racing heart. Opening the door with a wide smile it slowly dropped as she saw the pizza guy standing there and not Sam.

"Oh hi, how much do we owe you?"

"The payment was already taken over the phone so you're all set" The pizza delivery boy answered.

"Hey Max, I'll grab those from you," Charlie said walking up to them. "Here you go, see you later" he said as he handed the kid a tip.

Christina slowly closed the door and turned around to see both Jacob and Billy looking at the girl with amused smiles on their face. Feeling a blush creep up she said "yeah I guess it makes more sense that it would be the pizza guy and not Sam that fast." They all laughed as Charlie came back in the room "I bet Max was more confused as to why a grown woman was smiling like a crazy person at the door tonight."

She leaned against the wall "ha ha guys, get the laughs out now while you can." They all laughed again as another knock sounded on the door. Christina seemed to freeze in place for a minute and Charlie started towards the door "Maybe I should answer it so you don't accidentally traumatize anyone else tonight." Christina blushed deeper and stood up from the wall.

"Hey Sam how are you doing?" Charlie asked while holding the door open for him to come in.

"Hello Charlie, I'm doing good how are you?" Sam stepped in the house and took his jacket off and hung it on the hook near the door. Nodding at both Billy and Jacob he looked over at Christina and smiled.

"Hey Sam" Christina said softly while smiling back.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm good" She suddenly felt nervous again and started walking to the kitchen "hey Uncle Charlie I'm gonna see if Bella wants some of this pizza okay?"

"Be my guest but don't blame me if she ignores you completely."

She reached up in the cabinet and pulled a stack of plates out to put them on the counter and took one and grabbed a couple of pieces of the cheese pizza he ordered and started up the stairs. Reaching Bella's door she softly knocked. Not hearing any response she slowly opened the door and saw her cousin sitting in the same spot she was a little bit ago. Like before there wasn't a response from the girl as Christina spoke up. "Hey Bells, I brought you a couple of slices of pizza if you want them.." Holding the plate out she realized that she wasn't getting any type of response from the seemingly comatose girl. "Look Bella, I know it hurts but you need to start acting like a human a little, even if it's just for Charlies sake." Bella glared at the girl "You don't know what it feels like so don't even pretend like you do. Just leave me alone and go back down to Sam." Christina looked at her cousin after setting the plate down. "Bella-" Bella interrupted her "I SAID GET OUT".

After looking at her cousin once more she walked out of the room and shut the door. Taking a deep breath in she walked back downstairs. "Any luck?" Charlie asked as if they all hadn't just heard Bella yell. "No" Christina sighed "I'm gonna go up to my room for a second, I'll be back down shortly." She felt Sams gaze on her and even though she didn't want to leave him alone, she needed to take a moment to herself.

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