Chapter Seven

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Pulling up to the house Christina saw Bella's truck and pulled in beside it and parked. As she climbed out she heard another vehicle pull up to the curb, turning around she saw Billy waving from the passenger seat.

"Hey Billy, how have you been?" Billy opened the door as a young man walked to the back of the truck and pulled his wheelchair out "Oh you know, I'm still here so I'm doing pretty good, how's about you?" "I've been good, just working and taking it day by day" she said with a smile. "Come on in, Uncle Charlie should be home soon." "Sounds good, I brought some more of Harry Clearwater's fish fry." Christina smiled "Oh good, maybe we can have that for dinner tonight." Billy looked back at the young man behind his wheelchair and said "oh yeah, Christina, this is my son Jacob, Jake, this is Christina." Christina smiled at the young man "nice to meet you Jacob" "likewise Christina."

As the group made their way to the front door, the cruiser pulled up behind the Black's truck. "Hey look what the cat dragged in" Charlie said as he climbed out of his car "brought me some fish fry I hope." "Only if you repay me in beer and your flatscreen." Charlie laughed and opened the front door to let them all in the house. "Bells, Jacob and Billy are here if you want to come down and say hi" Charlie called up the stairs. Christina looked at him and said "I'll go check on her, see if she wants to come down." Charlie smiled and patted her on the back "thanks Chris."

Christina walked up to Bella's door and lightly knocked "Hey Bella, can I come in?" Christina slowly opened the door to see Bella sitting in a chair in front of her window, seemingly disconnected from the world. "Bells, did you want to come down to see Billy and Jacob? Or maybe come down for dinner?" Bella just sat there like a statue not responding or even acknowledging that Christina was in the room. "Okay well, if you feel up to it, come on downstairs, I know Jacob misses hanging out with you." Christina walked out of Bella's room and closed the door.

Walking downstairs she shook her head when she caught eye contact with Charlie and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Billy, Jacob did you guys want anything to drink?" "Nope we already got our drinks but thanks Christina." "No problem, I'll get started on dinner here in a few." "Thanks Chris, if you change your mind we can always have that fish another day and order pizza tonight." Jacob seemed to perk up when he heard pizza "I vote pizza if it matters." Charlie and Billy laugh and Charlie asks "had a bit too much fish lately?" Jacob blushes and laughs softly "yeah a bit." "Well it's settled then, anything you don't want on the pizza Chris?" Christina looked in at them and said "just no anchovies and we'll be fine" everyone laughed and Christina headed upstairs to her room.

Once Christina reached her room she opened the small window next to the chairs to let some fresh air in and found a pair of sweats to put on. Grabbing her phone from her purse she pulled out the receipt Sam left her and decided to call him.

"This is Sam" a smooth voice answered. "Hey Sam, it's Christina, h-how are you?" Christina nervously stammered out. She could almost hear the smile in his voice "I'm good, how are you?" She smiled into the phone and replied "I'm good, I got your note, I mean, obviously you know that or else we wouldn't be talking." He laughed lowly and said "well you could've always gotten it from Billy or Charlie, they both have it." Christina began to pace and said "yeah I never thought of that. I just mainly wanted to check in and let you know that you didn't upset me today." There was a small pause and he said "well if that's the case, then why did you avoid me?" Christina stopped pacing and sat on her bed "honestly I don't know. I just started to think that-" she stopped to gather her thoughts "that I only wanted to know about Bella? Christina, I was nervous to talk to you, it was the first thing I thought of to be honest." Christina smiled "yeah I was, well I guess still a little nervous to be honest." "Yeah I get that, I'm glad you called me though, and I'm really happy to know that I didn't upset you at all. I almost drove over to the house after I knew you were off." "You know you're always welcome here, Charlie likes you, matter of fact Billy and Jacob are over right now and they just ordered pizza if you wanted to join us." Christina's heart hammered away in her chest "you know, if it's alright I think I will, it would be nice to see you again." The smile on Christinas face couldn't have stretched any further than it had already "Okay, sounds good, i guess I'll see you in just a few?" "Yeah I'll head out here in just a minute, see you soon." "Bye Sam" she said quietly.

After hanging up the phone she squealed and threw herself back on to the bed and smiled up at the ceiling. Looking around she decided to go ahead and straighten her room up a bit and headed downstairs to let her uncle know that Sam would be stopping by as well. "Hey Uncle Charlie, I hope you ordered enough pizza, Sam is gonna come by also in a few." Billy looked up at the girl and smiled and Charlie looked over at her and smirked "oh is he now? Well I guess it's a good thing I ordered a couple extra pizza's" Christina smiled and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water for herself when there was a knock on the door.

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