Chapter Twelve

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The drive to the restaurant was filled with conversation. They talked about everything, from scars they received as kids, to their fears. They laughed and all around just enjoyed each other's company. Pulling into the parking lot Sam pulled into a spot not too far from the door and turned the engine off. He looked over at Christina "stay there and I'll help you out." Christina smiled and nodded. Sam made his way over to her side and opened her door, she turned and slid slightly and felt Sam grab her waist, effectively helping her get out of the truck without incident. "Thanks Sam, I appreciate it." Locking the doors he smiled and took her hand "anytime."

They walked into the restaurant and made their way to the hostess stand. The Hostess stood there with a smile "hello, just two of you tonight?" "Yes ma'am" Sam replied. "Follow me to your table." They followed the hostess to a table in the corner and sat down across from each other. "Your waiter will be with you shortly, enjoy your evening." "Thank you" they both replied at the same time. Looking over the menu handed to them Christina wasn't sure what she wanted to get, "what sounds good to you Sam?" He looked up at her "I'm probably going to get the lasagna, its a favorite meal of mine so I try to never pass it up." Christina smiled at him "Lasagna is yummy, I can't decide what I'm going to get though. Do I want the spaghetti, chicken fettuccini, or chicken carbonara?" He laughed "a little indecisive are we?" She blushed "you have no idea" she replied while laughing.

The waiter approached their table "good evening, my name is Justin, how are you two doing?" Sam replied for both of them "we're doing good, how are you?" "I'm good, thanks. What can I get you guys to drink?" Sam looked at Christina and she looked at Justin "I'll have iced tea no lemon." "I'll have the same but I do want lemon with mine." "Alright not a problem, do you guys know what you want or do you need a few minutes to decide?" Christina spoke up "I have a question, I can't decide of spaghetti, chicken fettuccini, or chicken carbonara, which would you recommend?" Justin thought about it for a second, "Chicken Carbonara for sure, it's one of our classics."  "Well okay then I'll have to get that then." "Sure thing, do you know what you want sir?" Sam looked at the waiter "Yeah, I'll do an order of the lasagna please." "Absolutely. I'll get those orders in for you and then get your drinks out to you shortly." "Thank you" replied Sam.

As Justin walked away Sam looked at Christina "so continuing on with our conversation on the way here, when you were a kid what did you want to do when you grew up?" Christina softly smiled at Sam "I wanted to be a teacher, I used to line up my stuffed animals on my bed and would teach them math problems." Sam smiled back at her "I can see that for sure, I wanted to be a wrestler, my mom used to get so made at us for tearing up the living room all the time." Christina laughed "Wow I bet she really didn't appreciate that, but sounds fun." "Yeah my brother and I always have a good time together." The conversation continued like that until their food arrived." "Wow this looks and smells amazing." Christina looked over at Sam "thanks for asking me to dinner." He smiled at her "Thanks for agreeing to come." She smiled back and they both started in on their meals. After they finished Sam grabbed the check and gave the waiter the money to pay. "Do you want me to pay the tip?" He looked at her funny "no, I've got this, I asked you and I want to treat you." Christina smiled "well thank you." He nodded as they both stood up. He took her hand once again as they made their way to the truck. Christina couldn't help but squeeze his hand a little tighter this time, she didn't want this evening to end."

Arriving at the truck he helped her into the truck as he did when he first picked her up. He climbed in and looked over at Christina, "ready to go home?" She looked at him in the eyes "honestly, not really, I'm enjoying myself." He smiled, "me neither, do you want to go back and go to La Push and take a walk on the beach?" She smiled back at him "yeah, that sounds really nice." He started the truck up and they made their way back towards Forks.

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