Chapter 10: Bad start

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After entering the kitchen area my stomach rumbles even louder making me more nervous then before which i thought wasn't possible.

"Hush stupid stomach, somone might hear you" i wisper looking down at my stomach.

I look through the pantry finding some bread. I instantly take out the bread, bringing it up to my mouth as soon as possible.

Just as the bread was about to hit my lips, I heard footsteps making me stop and stare at the direction of the sound.

'I can't believe this, someone is going to find out and hurt me' I think as tears of fear start forming in my eyes.

'Damn it i'm so scared right now, i have to hide the bread and come up with some sort of excuse'

 Just as i was thinking of what to say i see the person entering the room almost giving me a heart attack as i see who it is. Just my luck, it's Zachary.

'Why did it have to be the angriest looking brother?' I think as I curse at the universe and my bad luck.

Not only did my chances of dying just increase but if i do manage to get out of this situation alive, he will definitely tell Xavier about this and i don't even want to think about what he'll do.

 Sneaking around the mansion late at night is not a good impression, especially the first night!

 "What do you think you're doing here late at night?" Zachary says with suspicion in his voice. I stare at the floor feeling the death glare he is giving me.

"I asked you a question brat" He said with anger as I felt his body move toward me.

"I-i-i was just s-sleep w-walking" I stutter still looking down. Suddenly I feel a hand gripping my wrist tightly and pulling it in front of me.

"Then what about this?" He's clearly annoyed at my lame excuse.

"P-please l-let go off my h-hand, your h-hurting me" I plead as my arm feels like it would break like a twig any minute.

"You'll really think I'll listen to you after you just straight up ignored my questions and tried to lie with that lame excuse?" He says as he tightens his grip further. I bite my lip trying not to scream in pain.

"I'm s-sorry i w-was j-just hungry t-that's al, p-please l-let me g-go" I cry out as he stares at me before letting me go. I quickly rub my wrist trying to ease the pain. "Next time I ask you something you'll answer, if you lie to me again I won't go so easy on you" he says with his back turned as he walks off.



"Aria please come back to us, come back to us please" I hear my mother scream.

My eyes shot open and I realize it's just a dream. I look around to see that I'm not in the bed I was in yesterday.

"So it wasn't a nightmare after all" I say under my breath, realizing that everything that has happened to me so far is real.

I snap out of thought as I hear someone knocking, filling me with fear. 'Who is it this time?' I wonder as I stare at the door.

"Ariana, are you awake yet?" I hear a voice say.

"Y-yes, c-come in?" I say actually wanting to be left alone.

"Good Morning angel" He says, making me blush by the nickname. After seeing that it's Noah I sigh in relief as he seems to be the most "normal" of my brothers.

"Good morning brother" I say with a smile as Noah seems to be shocked that I called him brother but smiles after. He sits himself beside me on the bed making me wonder what he wants.

"You know you could always talk to me if you need anything or just someone to hear you out, i know you've been going through a lot and that it can be quite scary" He says making a bit of my fear disappear which i never thought would happen.

His words filled me with a bit of safety and made me smile which he clearly noticed.

"Thank you Noah, that means a lot to me" I say not even stuttering once.

"You don't need to thank me really, that's what big brothers do" He protests, making me realize that I now actually have big brothers.

Author's note:

Hi! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. Please comment on what you thought!!

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