Chapter 29: Volleyball Club

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"What do you think you're doing?" Hunter asks with a stern voice as he opens the car door where I'm sitting.

"I'm sitting in a car waiting to go to school of course" I say with a 'duh' face.

"I can see that but this is my seat" He says gritting his teeth, giving me a deadly glare.

"Just sit in the back this time, this is what you get for upsetting her" Noah says from behind.

"Get out now" Hunter warnes ignoring Noah's words.

"Can you guys hurry? I have a test to get to!" Julian says as he's losing his pacance.

"I'm not moving, I want to sit in the front seat today" I argue with my arms crossed towards my chest with no trace of changing my mind.

"Alright then but don't say i didn't warn you" he said as he put one of his arms under my knees and the other under my neck as he carried my body with ease out of the car putting me at the back.

"Hey that's not fair" I whine as he gets in the front seat smirking. The ride to the school is filled with a comfortable silence as Hunter and Noah are on their phones texting with girls or something while Julian has his eyes on the road.

As we reach the school parking lot I see a crowd forming around us as students, mostly girls waiting for the arrival of my popular brothers.

'Well this is embarrassing' I think as I hesitate to get out of the car. I hear the girls scream as my brothers step out of their cars like their idols or something. 'Maybe I should wait until they all leave and then step out' I wonder.

"Common Aria you'll be late for class if you keep sitting there" Noah says opening my door.

"Don't worry lil sis we'll walk you to class" Julian says making me sigh. 'Great now I'll have to deal with this attention all the way to my classroom' (Note the sarcasm).

I step out of the car and see another car park beside us. To my surprise it's some of my cousins that Xavier talked about. I see Adrian, Leah and Luca step out of the car.

They all start to greet each other with fist bumps and hugs while I awkwardly stand aside feeling uncomfortable with the watching crowd.

"Nice to see ya shorty" Adrian greets teasingly.

"Yeah you too" I say with a smile.

"Aria!!" Say's both Leah and Luca as they run up to me giving me a hug.

"Hey guys" I laugh. The crowd seems interested in my cousins as well, not like I'm surprised though. As we walk through the hallways I get a lot of looks of jealousy from the girls which I try to just ignore and keep my head down.

"Oh right, I'm supposed to go join the volleyball club now" I say trying to find a way out of this situation.

"Can't you just do that at lunch break" Julian asks as I ignore it and run the opposite direction.

"Bye.." I yell as I run away from the crowd. Saying that I was gonna join the volleyball club was an excuse but I was already planning on doing it so why not do it now.

"Sam!" I yelled as I saw him before me as I ran.

"Aria what's up why are you running?" He asked with a smile.

"Could you help me join the volleyball team?" I say as I stopped in front of him.

"Right now? alright sure" Sam said as he took me down some stairs to a door where I assumed the court was at.

"Hey coach" Sam called out to a man looking to be in his 70's.

"Oh mr. Walter what brings you here" The old man said.

"This girl is interested in trying out for the girls volleyball team," Sam said, pointing at me.

"H-hello my name is Ariana Alvarez" I introduced myself.

"Hmm i see, come here after school and we'll see what you can do" He informed me, turned around and immediately started screaming out orders to another team.

"Well that was easier than I thought" I said, relieved.

"Oh crap we're gonna be so late" I heard Sam yell as he started running towards the exit.

"Why are you just standing there? get your ass to class or you'll get in trouble?" I snapped as I just remembered I had math in the morning, again. 'Shit I'll have to deal with the grumpy professor again' I thought, running as the stress started kicking in.

"Late again! one more strike and you'll have detencion" The professor says as I was trying to catch my breath.

"But professor wood, i'm only 4 minutes late and practically ran here as fast as i could" i say as i was breathing heavily from my bad condition.

"Are you talking back to me! That's it, I'm tired of your excuses. Go and sit down right now or I'll send you to the principal's office!" He yells like the grumpy old man he is.

"hihihi you're so hopeless" I heard the annoying steffany say as she giggled with her minions. Making my way towards my seat and ignoring Steffany and her minions, I opened my math book only to realize that I hadn't listened to a word he said, the lesson before.

'This is gonna be exhausting' I thought as I dropped my face into my desk like a depressed teen.

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