Chapter 31: Making the team

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After my last lesson of the day ended I texted Julian that I would be trying out for our school's volleyball team and that I'll be late.

Aria: I'll be a bit late today, trying out for our school's volleyball team.

Julian: Fine, we'll wait for you, text me when you're done.

Aria: Thanks but you can just go home and i'll take the bus

Julian: Not happening

I sigh as I close my phone and put it in my bag. After walking for a few minutes I finally found the gym.

As I open the door, I step inside and enter the volleyball court. 'This will be interesting' I think.

"What are you looking at, come here and introduce yourself" coach yelled. I saw about 11 other girls standing in a circle and thought I would join them.

"Hi, you must be new, my name is Ava" The girl standing next to me whispered.

"I'm Aria, it's nice to meet you" I whispered back with a smile happy that she was talking to me.

"There is a new girl that might be joining this team, tell me how long have you played this sport?" The coach asked.

"6 months coach" I said with confidence. I haven't even played for one year yet but feel pretty confident in my skills.

"Ok then let's start with warm ups, 8 laps around the gym!" Coach yelled.

"15 push ups and 20 sit ups after that" He yelled as we completed exercise after exercise.

"Now everybody line up, let's play some matches" Coach yells as 6 players went to one side of the net while me and 5 other players went to the opposite side.

I stood in the center back position. I prefer standing at the left forward position but whatever. The other team is the one serving first. I analyze the girl, trying to figure out what kind of serve she will fire at us.

Her physic looks pretty strong so she probably relies on hard hits, my favorites to receive. She made a jump serve with a strong hit as I predicted.

As I saw the ball flying towards me I shifted my feet as I bent my knees and kept my forearms together forming a flat surface. I received the serve perfectly as it flew high and right over the setter's head. 'Perfect!'

Time skip: After practice


"So coach what did you thi-"

"You're in!" He yelled, interrupting me in the process.

"Yes!" I yelled as I jumped in the air. After leaving, I texted Julian that I was done as I made my way to pack my things and go.

'I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow' I whined as I took my bag and went towards the parking lot.

"Sorry for the wait" I said exhaustively as my energi was completely drained. "It's fine, how did it go?" Noah asked, interested.

"I made it in the team!" I yell as I jump in his arms giving him a hug. He gets surprised by the sudden hug but smiles and puts his arms around me tightly.

"Let's go home, you must be hungry" Noah says, breaking the hug.

"I'm totally starving, the training was so exhausting" I whine, clinging on Noah's waist.

"Aw poor baby" Hunter sarcastically teases from the open car window.

"Let's go guys, I'm freaking hungry," Julian yells from inside the car.

"Where's Zach and our cousins?" I ask looking around.

"Zach and Isaac came with their own cars. The rest of our cousins left a bit earlier" Noah answers. The drive home was filled with Noah talking with Julian about some school project while Hunter was texting on his phone with what I assume was a girl.

"Ew Hunter what the heck are you writing?" I ask surprised, peeking at Hunter's phone from the seat behind as he sat in front.

"The question is, why are you snooping around?" He says angrily as he pushes me back to my seat with two of his fingers on my forehead.

"That's dirty" I say, pouting.

"Stay out of it lil girl" He haunts.

"I'm not the little girl you are!" I argue sounding like a 5 year old. Julian and Noah just chuckle as they witness the cute argument. "Ok that's enough you two" Julian finally says.

"But he's threatening the girl he's texting to, saying he's gonna choke her if she doesn't submit and stuff" I claim as Hunter looks like he's about to throw me out the window.

"You're such a child!" He yells. Noah and Julian started blushing every sense I told them what Hunter was texting, wonder why?.

"Ok finally home! thought i would never make it out alive" Julian said as he whispered the last part under his breath. 

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