Chapter 20: Friends Or Foes?

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As professor wood talked for over 1 hour reviewing the first chapter of the math book which was about Algebra, I finally heard the bell ring signaling that it's lunch time.

"For the next lesson you will start working on your own, using the notes from my presentation, you're dismissed" He says making everyone stand up to leave.

As i make myself out of the classroom i wonder if i should even go to lunch as i don't really want anyone to see me sitting alone like a loner.

In my old school, when one of my friends would be at home sick, I would just go eat lunch in the bathroom so that no one would see me. I know it sounds weird but I can't lie when it comes to caring about what other people think of me.

"Are you really one of the Alvarez?" I hear a girl say, with the most classic mean girl voice I've ever heard.

"yeah?" I ask confused with a raised brow. 

"And here i thought all of the siblings from that family are high classed, you just seem like a total loser" She says while I watch in disbelief. 'who the fuck is this bitch?' I say in my head with anger bubbling inside me that I'm very good at hiding.

I felt a bit hurt even though I didn't admit it. I have been insulted a lot in the past before I met C.J and Freya and always convince myself that I'm used to it and that I don't care anymore. But I do, and the rage was strong.

I never cried though, or at least not infront of people. I hate it because it makes me feel weak and helpless. But if you ignore something it will just turn into something else. In my case the hurt and sadness became anger which felt better to carry around then sorrow which made me weaker.

"Is that so? well i guess you thought wrong then" I say back with an innocent smile playing on my lips. I know what I said before about rage and anger but I'm extremely good at controlling my emotions.

Although I know people like that deserve a smack in the face I often try being respectful and calm which results in them becoming much angrier. It amuses me and leaves a feeling of victory.

"What is wrong with you? you just admitted to being a total loser" She says annoyed.

"Huh? i never said that but if that's what you think. Well anyways, have a good day i'm just gonna go eat now" I say smiling, turning around happily as I feel the anger oozing out of the blond girl behind me.

With a face covered with tons of makeup and a short skirt almost revealing all her ass, she looks like the perfect bully that she is.

"C'mon Steffany let's just forget about that bitch" I hear another girl say with the same annoying tone as the first one. 'Works every time' I think as I bump into someone.

"Oh it's you again" I hear a voice say as I look up, widening my eyes in the process. 

"Y-yeah it's me, hehe" I say awkwardly with an obvious fake laugh.

"You seem to be new to this school" He says, making me embarrassed at how obviously lost I look. "Oh so you could tell huh?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Well you were going the wrong way, if of course you were trying to reach the volleyball court" he answers.

"Wait! does this school have a volleyball team?" I ask practically yelling in excitement.

"Yeah we do, I'm actually the team captain of the boys team." he says confidently with his thumb pointing at his chest.

"Do you play or something?" He asks, raising his brow.

"I've only played for like a year but I love the sport so much" I say with a smile.

"Well then after lunch i'll help you join the girls team" He says happily which makes my smile widen.

"My names Samuel by the way but you can just call me Sam" He says as we make our way to the cafeteria.

"I'm Ariana but you can call me Aria for short" I say happily as i can't believe i've just made a new friend.

"These are my friends, guys, meet Aria, she's new at the school" He introduces to his friends at a table. I see another boy sitting there with spiky blonde dyed hair at the top and his original color which is dark brown, around his head, shorter on the edges and longer on top. His eyes are ocean blue and ear piercings in both ears.

"Hi there cutie, Logan is at your service" He says jokingly as the girl next to him smacks his arm which he responds with a ouch.

"Leave her alone Logan. I'm sorry Aria, my brother can be a jerk sometimes. It's nice meeting you, I'm Lucy '' She introduces with a smile. She has dark brown hair and the same eyes as her brother.

"Chill Lucy, I was only joking," Logan says, seemingly a bit intimidated by his sister.

"Thanks, it's nice meeting you all too'' I say sitting down beside Samual. As we talk about class and what I think about my grumpy math teacher my eyes suddenly meet with angry steel gray once which I identify as, Noah. 'Crap'

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