Court day.

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I woke up to my alarm and groaned. My eyes weren't even open and I wanted the day to be over. Today, we had to go to court because Jess' mum thought it would be a fantastic idea to sue her daughter.

"Mummy," I heard Jess whimper and her little hand touch my chest. I sighed, gripped her hand in mine and kissed it softly. "I no wan go," she began to sob, instantly. I opened my eyes and moved closer to her, pulling her into my chest. I played with her hair and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"You're okay, I promise you're okay," I whispered.

It wasn't long until her cries settled and I had my big girl Jess. She moved away from my chest and sat up, sniffling. I stayed laying down and looked at her sadly.

"Why does she hate me?" she sighed, fiddling with her hands.

"I don't think she does bubba," I replied, sadly.

"Well she sure as hell doesn't love me," she scoffed. I sighed and caressed her hand.

"Let's get ready and see if today goes any faster," I whispered. I sat up, kissed Jess' head quickly then got out of bed.

"Is Carter coming?" she asked me whilst we both got undressed in the bathroom. It's much more efficient showering together.

"He's meeting us there before hand but then he's got to go to his own meeting in the court house. He should be there by the time we finish," I replied and stepped into the steaming shower. I held my hand out for her and let her join me.

An hour later, we were driving into the city centre, ready as ever to fight our case. She's suing Jess for £4,200 worth of therapy. It's actually ridiculous and it made me so mad knowing she is making Jess pay her back after promising her she didn't need to at the time.

"I'm so scared Pheebs," Jess mumbled. I looked to her in the passenger seat. She had the papers we needed on her lap and was folding the corner of one of them.

"Don't be baby," I whispered and caressed her knee. "She has absolute no leg to stand on considering the evidence we have. We'll win and get your money back." Our countersue was asking for Jess' inheritance money which was put into an account for Jess when she was 16, the day her dad died. Jess' dad knew how horrible her mum was and therefore set all of his savings to her for when she was 18. She never got them. she fought and fought but by the time she got access to the account- £44000 had already been withdrawn.

Jess just took a deep breath and turned up the music- obviously trying to drain out the thoughts from her head.

I must admit, despite her worried expression, she looked very very beautiful today. Carter had bought her a new, pink suit with a white shirt underneath and after her shower, I'd done dutch braids. She had to look and act very professional today but I'm hoping the pink and the hair will still keep her connected to her little side, even only slightly. It had to offer some sort of comfort. She needed it.

"Carter's outside waiting for us. Listen to what he says, okay? He can help you," I said softly to Jess as I adjusted her collar in the bathroom. She felt sick and her face was white-washed but I knew it was pure nerves. She hated public speaking and although this isn't exactly public, it's even more daunting for her. Her mum terrified her, and me as well.

"Okay," she whispered and looked at me with pooling eyes.

"Hey, no time for tears," I sighed and cupped her cheeks. She nodded, took a deep breath and blinked them away.

"Good girl. You're going to do so so well. Remember what we practiced, yeah?" I said softly and kissed her head. She nodded then wrapped her arms around me tightly. I held her close for a moment.

"Hey ladies," Carter smiled nervously as we came out of the bathroom, hand in hand. He knew how hard this was for both of us, Jess especially.

"Hi," I replied and wrapped my free arm around him. I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. He then looked to Jess with sympathetic eyes.

"Hey chuck," he whispered and held out his hand for her. She looked to him and bit her bottom lip, anxiously. He let go of me and pulled her into his arms. Carter's hugs were the best sometimes. "You're rocking that suit baby," he teased and brushed the front of it once they'd stopped hugging. I smiled, Jess let out a little giggle.

"Thank you," she whispered and folded her left ear over.

"You're welcome precious. Now, do you have all the papers I said you needed to bring?" he asked, turning his 'daddy' voice dial down slightly. It wasn't super professional as he didn't want to scare her, no one would ever want to scare her.

"Mhmm, I've got them all and more," she smiled a little and showed him.

"Awesome, and you remember everything I said to you yesterday?" he smiled.

"Mhmm, don't speak out of turn, always say sir or ma'am and be nice and friendly and give them my cutest smile," she giggled and put her chin up a little.

"That's it and the last one?" he smiled widely too.

"Always tell the truth!" she announced, nodding.

"Perfect! You're gonna smash it, my absolute super star," he held his hand out for a high five and Jess high fived him. I giggled and put my hand on her back. It was time to go in.

"I'm not sure how long the meeting will last for but here is the spare key to get in to mine if you finish before I do. I'll text you and you text me. Will you be able to take the dogs out when you get back?" Carter turned to me and held out a spare key.

"I can do," I replied, nodding.

"Awesome, good luck to you both. I love you," he smiled and kissed my lips then turned to kiss Jess' head before running up the corridor.

Jess took a big, deep breath and began walking into the court room, I followed her just as I caught sight of her mum coming up too.

We were sworn in and the judge entered the room. She sat on her chair at the front in her black robe and Jess whimpered quietly. I looped one of my fingers around hers to offer comfort and she smiled very slightly at me. I blew her a little kiss and we began the case.

First, the judge addressed the situation by giving a brief over view of what her mum was suing for and then what we are countersuing for. Then, instantly she began thrashing Jess' mum with words on how unreasonable she's being and how she's rude and ignorant. We weren't even in there 10 minutes before the judge ruled in our favour for it all. Jess was gobsmacked and looked at me with wide eyes. I smiled at her and wrapped a quick arm around her shoulder.

"Jess, dear," the judge said, turning her attention for the evil one and towards us instead.

"Yes, ma'am?" Jess said, alert.

"I'd like to wish you the best of luck. With everything. By the seems of it, you have an excellent support bubble around you know and don't forget to always try your hardest. I could see your nerves about today and I've tried my best to reassure you and held you the best I can. Thank you."

Jess smiled widely. "Thank you ma'am. I appreciate it."

After that, we were dismissed from court. As soon as we left the doors, Jess threw her arms around me neck, squealing with happiness. She giggled and kissed my cheek over and over again.

"We did it," i giggled and let her shower me with the love. I'd missed this Jess. For weeks leading up to this, she hasn't been herself at all. She's hardly eaten, constantly been cleaning, a nervous wreck really. I held her tight and she let out a long breath then flopped her head on my shoulder. I looked at her and saw her beaming ear to ear.

"We really did it mama," she whispered and opened her eyes to look back at me.

"You did it baby," I smiled and held her tighter. She then leaned up, stood on her tiptoes and kissed me- hard. I smirked and kissed her back.

Today was a success. 

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