Happy Birthday Daddy! pt.2

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Jess hurried up the stairs and ran into my bedroom before jumping into my arms. 
"Happy birthday daddy!" She squealed, right in my ear. I laughed and held her close to me. 
"Thank you so much princess!" I kissed her quickly and she giggled before giving me a squeeze and jumping down from my arms. 
"Come and get your presents Daddy!! We got you loadsss," she giggled, grabbing my arm and pulling me. 
"Okay, okay. I'm coming." I cheered. I grabbed Ellie's hand as we walked out of the bedroom and she smiled widely.

She'd explained to me, whilst Phoebe was talking to Jess, that she felt a little sad today but she didn't want that to make my day bad and that she was very sorry. I assured her, however, that we were all going to have a good day and I really wanted to cheer her up. I knew Jess was going to be a bit difficult to handle today so I was going to make it my mission to make sure that didn't impact Ellie too much. Although it was my birthday, I still had to look after my girls! 

"Open this one first!" Jess cheered, shoving a present into my hands. I smiled at her. 
"Come here, lovely. Sit with mummy," Phoebe interjected. Her hands wrapped around Jess's waist and she sat Jess on her knee, at first Jess pouted but when I began to actually open the present, she settled down, sitting with Phoebe. 

It was true, the girls did get me loads. I had lego sets, clothes, vouchers, headphones, skincare stuff and Phoebe, being Phoebe, even got me my own eyeliner. She understood me on such a deep level and I genuinely loved her to pieces. 


We were heading out to a crazy golf course now and I was so excited. I loved golf and always kept up with the latest news of it but crazy golf obviously made it enjoyable for everybody. Jess had mellowed a lot and was slowly slipping out of her deeper headspace. She was staring out of the window, singing to herself quietly but no one minded that. I loved her singing voice. Ellie was on her phone and had come out of her headspace a while ago. 

We arrived and it wasn't too busy at all! It was a friday lunch time and during school term so no one was really out- everyone at work and school and things. It was one other couple on the course but they were further down. 
"Can I be on daddy's team?" Jess asked sweetly, standing by my side. 
"I wanted to be on Carter's team!" Ellie sighed from the other side of me. 
"Why don't we all play individually?" Phoebe suggested, handing out clubs. 
"If we do that then you definitely won't win Pheebs. If you have a partner, you have a better chance," Jess giggled, tilting her head to the side. Phoebe gasped and Ellie and I couldn't help but laugh. 
"You're a cheeky monkey. I don't want to be on your team!"
"I didn't want to be on yours in the first place. I'll lose!" We all laughed again and Phoebe shook her head, laughting also. 
"Well, we can play two games and since it's my birthday, I'm picking my partner," I smirked and took a step towards Phoebe. She smiled widely at me as I held out my hand. She put her hand on mine and I kissed the top of it. 
"Will you do the honours?" 
"Oh of course, my prince," she replied, smiling from ear to ear. she leaned in to kiss me and both girls chorused an 'ew' before turning away.

"But that means I have to work with Elllllie," Jess huffed, louder and more upset that anyone expected. 
"Whats so bad about that?" Ellie piped up, looking at Jess. 
"I didn't want to work with you. You're probably just as bad as Phoebe." 
"Excuse me, that's not nice." I tried to interject but Ellie replied also. 
"I doubt you're very good yourself Jess. You only want to go with Carter so you don't lose because you know how shit you are!" 
"I'm not shit at all. I know I can win without any of you helping me!" She shouted back. Phoebe sighed and put her chin on my shoulder slightly. 
"Prove it then because right now you're projecting your stupid insecurities onto everyone else!" Ellie shouted back. Jess took a step toward Ellie, club in her hand and I quickly stepped in between them. 
"Go and sit on that bench, right now." I told Jess, staring straight into her eyes. 
"Go and sit down or else you're going home." 
"You're the one that will ruin your own birthday if we go home." She replied, voice laced with attitude. 
"I never said I'm going home. I said, you're going home. Now go and sit down." She huffed loudly and stomped over to the bench. I turned around to Ellie whose head was down. 
"You can also go and sit down because you weren't very nice either," I said to her. She nodded sadly and went to sit at the other side of the bench to Jess. I sighed and turned to Phoebe. she smiled sadly at me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her head rested on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms back around her. 
"I'm sorry." She told me. 
"Don't be, it's not your fault." I replied, quitely. "We're only playing individually though." I laughed a little. 
"I didn't realise teams were such a problem," she sighed. 
"Neither did but hey ho. With Lazer quest, we should hopefully be working as a four against another set of four so it isn't too bad." She nodded and then stood up. 
"Are you dealing with them or am I?" 
"You take Jess, I'll take Ellie." I confirmed. She nodded and walked over to Jess, crouching down in front of her. 

"Go away," Jess mumbled to me as soon as I knelt down.
"No, love. What's going on?" 
She sighed angrily and I could see her holding back tears. "I just want it to be a good day for Carter and I thou- I thought maybe he would want to be on my team so we could win but if I said that to someone then you all would have thought I was selfish so I just made it ab- oh," she paused and let her shoulders drop. "I am being selfish." 
"Sweetheart, Carter couldn't care less about who loses or who wins. He wants the experience. He could come last in points but he would still have a good time." 
"But he didn't want to play with me," she pouted and glanced over to him. I put my hand on her cheek and turned her face back to me. 
"You don't know that. I think he picked me to stop the arguements between you and Ellie but it didn't really work, did it?" 
She shook her head and sat there sadly for a minute, scuffing her feet. "I have go home then?" 
I stood up and sat beside her on the bench, pulling her into my arms. "You dont have to go home love but I want you to start thinking about how your actions impact other people. I would also like you to apologise to Ellie because you've made her quite upset." She nodded and went to apologise to Ellie rather quickly which I was happy about. 

For the rest of the golf course and even lazer quest, she was quiet and a lot more reserved which made me worried but I assumed it was because she got in trouble. She didn't end up winning golf either, that title went to the birthday boy and the other team won lazer quest but we were all good sports, well, the three of us were. Jess just avoided them. 

We were heading to dinner now and I was starving. Ellie and Carter were chatting about lazer quest stratergies and Jess was on her phone. I didn't know what headspace she was in but I needed to find out. 

pt3 will be out soon cus this is getting a bit long, sorry guys <3

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