Moving day! (TW)

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I can't really think of a specific trigger warning for this one but it gets a bit graphic in Jess's pov on how the change is making her feel :) 


"Please can you clean this up baby? The helping men will be here soon!" I asked Jess as I sat beside her on the floor. However, she only shook her head and continued to play with her building blocks. "We need to make sure they can get through to all the boxes!" I tried to reason with her calmly and use my best daddy voice but her lack of communication and listening was driving me crazy.
We were moving house today! Well, I was. Jess and Phoebe's things were being moved from their small house to the new house tomorrow whilst all of my things were moving to the new house today. Ellie didn't have a lot so she was just helping out here and there but was working right now. I understood Jess was stressed and I don't blame her- I'm stressed to the max too but her behaviour had been so out of line this week and she was not helping herself at all. She'd pushed Phoebe and I away to the point of making Phoebe cry and feel completely helpless. Moving is a stressful time for anyone but honestly, Jess was being selfish.
I obviously understood that she needed her coping mechanisms however and I let her play with her toys this morning whilst I finished getting the kitchen sorted but she was just ignoring me now!
"Why don't we move you over to the corner of the room?" I suggested. I picked up a few of her blocks and went to move but she squealed loudly and launched for the ones in my arms. I dropped them all in an attempt to stop her rugby tackling me to the ground and as soon as she realised that, she sat back down and proceeded to play as if nothing happened. I sighed and stood up, picking up a few blocks and went to move them to the corner- only so the moving men could get through! I didn't want any of my things broken and I wasn't stopping her from playing. 
"Daddy! Nooo!" She screeched, louder than anyone anticipated before jumping on my back and practically tackling me to the ground. I groaned in pain and dropped the blocks and felt her hit my arm. 

However, before I could say anything, Phoebe's voice boomed through the room. 
"Jessica." Jess looked up in a startled state and whimpered. "Get your bottom in that corner right now young lady." 
I walked away from the situation, feeling quite hurt. I was not expecting the sudden jump and my body wasn't prepared for it. Just as I got to the kitchen, a knock sounded for the door.

Hearing another one of Jess' screeches, I headed downstairs. I was packing up Jess' little room but obviously, she couldn't behave for twenty minutes. I understood she was stressed, more stressed than any of us because of the changes occuring. Her mind was out of its comfort zone, her security was all messed up and I knew she'd be struggling but she had no right to take that out on Carter and I- especially with physical violence. 
She hadn't moved from her spot in the middle of the room, despite me asking her to go to the corner but Carter had walked away, holding his back. 
"Jessica, don't make me ask you again." I said. I was angry with her, I was disappointed with her also. She knew full well we didn't physically lash out but here we were- Carter being injured on moving day. Jess shook her head, avoiding eye contact. 
"I've told you to go to the corner. You don't have any option. You're only making it worse for yourself," I sighed. I walked over to her things and began to collect them up and put them back in their box. Jess squirmed from beside me, not liking what I was doing. She kicked her feet out towards my hands, though not actually hitting me. 
"Jess-" I sighed. Just then, there was a knock at the door and I knew it was the moving men. I rolled my eyes and carried on picking her things up. I stuck the box of blocks in a random box for the men to take outside and took Jess's hand. As I dragged her out of the room, I made eyecontact with Carter and he understood I was dealing with the situation and he can let the moving men in. 

Once upstairs, I took Jess into her little room as that was only partly packed up whilst all of the others were completely packed up. 
"Mummy, no," she whined loudly as I walked her towards the corner. I turned her around and crouched down so I could look at her face. Slow tears were streaming down her face but she was silent. 
"I asked you downstairs to go to the corner, I asked you twice infact and you carried on trying to misbehave. I shouldn't have to ask you at all, never mind twice nearly three times. You can stand here and I'm going to go and sit on your bed. Once you've thought about what you've done, I'll come and get you." I kissed the back of her hands softly then turned her back around to face the wall. However, she turned herself back around, shaking her head at me. I sighed, trying so hard to keep my cool. 
"I face dis way," she mumbled. I only nodded, I wasn't going to stress her out more- at least she was in the corner. 
"Okay. Two minutes." 

Seeing my room all messed up, everything out of place, none of my immediate comforts visible hurt my head. All of my thoughts were foggy and I wanted to scream. I wanted to rip my eyes out or maybe scratch all of my skin off because nothing felt right. It made me feel sick having to look at it all and know I couldn't do anything. I hated this change, I hated it all. I wanted to be in bed, in mummy and daddy's arms with music on and my teddies and everything to go back to normal. 

I didn't mean to hurt daddy but he took away the normal. He stopped me playing with my bricks like I always do. It wasn't even playing it was the fact he took away the one thing that he kept normal for so long. I wanted it back. I wanted my bricks and my dolls and my doll house too. I didn't even know where it was! I wanted to see my teddies on my shelves and my dinosaurs and their displays. I wanted it all back but none of it was here. 

"Come here," I heard Mummy say and I felt her arms wrap around me. Her hand entangled itself in my hair and I let out a shaky breath- was I crying? 

I watched her get herself more and more worked up and as soon as she began to sob, I shot up off the bed and pulled her into my arms. This was so hard on my baby and I hated it. I took her from the corner to the rocking chair- the one thing we hadn't packed up yet. It wasn't being packed until tomorrow even! I sat down and pulled her into my arms and instantly she melted into my touch. 
"It's okay," I whispered to her, running my hand up and down her back and making sure she felt loved. I put my lips on her head and kissed it tenderly over and over again. "Mummy's here." 
"It's all wrong," she sobbed into my neck. My heart hurt hearing those words. She hated this. I really should have put so much more thought and consideration into how she would handle it but we've never experienced it before. "It's all wrong mama," she sobbed again. I held her closer to me and sighed. 
"I know baby," there was nothing else I could say. "I'm sorry. It will be better soon." 
"No, it's all going to be wrong forever," she cried. I couldn't help but want to cry myself. 
"No darling," I whispered. "We're going to go the new house and we get to start all over again. We can decorate it however you like with new things and new colours and everything will be okay. We'll make a new normal princess." 
"I don't want a new normal mummy," she whimpered and rubbed her eyes with a clenched fist. She sat up in my arms. I sighed and held her close to me, kissing her fist and then her temple. 
"I'm sorry baby girl." She took a deep breath and looked around the room, taking in the empty space. She took another shaky breath before turning back to me with teary eyes. 
"How about some milk? Then you don't have to look at it?" I suggested, putting some of her black hair behind her ear. She only nodded before laying back down in my arms. I lifted my top off and readujusted my bra for her and she latched on- just after taking a nice deep breath. 
"I love you," I whispered softly to her, putting more hair behind her ear and wiping away the hot tears from her cheek. "More than anything." 

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