Wedding bells

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"Come on you! We're going to be late," I told Jess, shouting through the bathroom door.
"Almost done," she replied, hurrying around in the bathroom. 
Today, we had the wedding of Carter's sister! I was so excited, as was Jess. Carter had left us last night to spend the night with the other groomsmen so we stayed in the hotel- we were guests. I didn't mind one bit and I loved that his siter had accomodated for his plus two rather than the normal plus one. 
"Jess!" I shouted again, looking at the time on my phone. The reception starts in fifteen minutes and we weren't even out of the hotel room yet! 
"I'm coming, jeez," she replied, coming out of the bathroom. She looked gorgeous. Her dress was a light pink and it made her black, silky hair look sunning. Not to mention her figure! The dress hugged her curves beautifully and her new heels made her look taller and a lot more elegant, despite me knowing she's an absolute cluts- I still adored her all the same. 
"We're meant to be going, perv," she smirked. She walked closer to me, tapped my cheek and picked up her bag from behind me. I was over the moon with how insane my girlfriend was. 
"Come onnnn, Pheebs. We're going to be late," I felt her grab my hand and slowly drag me out of the hotel room. I laughed, locked the door and before she could scurry away to the elevator- I grabbed her waist and kissed her passionately. She giggled, kissed me back and then scurried away. Cheeky, asexual minx. 

We made it in time for the reception and took our seats with Carter's family. Jess and his cousin were pretty close as they knew each other from somewhere else so we slid in next to him. I was on the edge of the isle and waved at Carter. He smiled and waved back from the front before blowing me a kiss. I smiled widely and felt Jess' hand slip into mine. I looked voer at her and she was smiling a soft, whimsical smile at me. 
"I didn't get to tell you but you're really beautiful," she whispered, leaning in to me. I blushed slightly. 
"Thank you baby, as are you," I replied. 
"Thank you. I figured that from your response to me coming out of the abthroom," she giggled and put her head on my shoulder, cuddling in to me. 
"You're just so breathtaking, I couldn't help but let my jaw drop." 
She giggled, "thank you. I love you." She looked up at me slightly and pursed her lips. I kissed her slowly. 
"I love you too." 

The wedding reception was heart warming. I don't think I'd ever heard such beautiful vows. Now, we had to head to gather in the entrance hall of the hotel before food and I was excited to see my boyfriend again. I hadn't seen him since afternoon yesterday but seeing him from a distance, looking so frickin handsome in his navy suit at the front of the hall, I couldn't help but crave him. He was obviously the last out so Jess and I were stood by the stairs waiting. She was stood on a higher step but was only my head height, making me smirk at how short she really was. She leaned on me and put her arms around my neck, making me smile. Even when she was big, she was so cuddly and handsy. 
"Ooh I see him!" she said, loudly. A few people turned our way but only smiled. 
"Shh, silly," I giggled, I wrapped my arms around her waist and she waved enthusiastically. Next thing I know, Carter is pushing his way through the crowd looking very, very tasty. As soon as he was close enough for me to touch him, and not let Jess fall as she was still holding onto me, I grabbed him and kissed him. I felt him chuckle under my hands on his back but I only deepend the kiss. His suit really made me want him. 
"Phoebeeee," Jess whined from behind me, making me laugh. I pulled away from Carter and made eye contact with him. 
"I've missed you too beautiful," he chuckled before I could say anything. He weaved his hands in my loose curls and smile, a smile he does when checking me out- I loved it. It was a proud smile. I smiled and pecked his lips. He let me go and turned to Jess who was whining that she still hadn't had a cuddle. I giggled when he pouted back. 
"Don't you look like a beautiful princess," he complimeted, letting me go completely and turning to Jess on the step. 
"I'm not little," she huffed and reached for him so she wouldn't fall. "But yes, I am a beautiful princess." I laughed, as did Carter before cuddling Jess and kissing her lips softly. 
"You look so good," Jess whispered to him. She ran her hands over his chest, smiling widely. "I think Phoebe wants to take yo back to the hotel room," she side glanced at me and I blushed, "like now." I tutted and shook my head, making Carter and Jess laugh at me. 
"I'm not that obvious," I mumbled, scuffing my feet. Jess just laughed more and I felt carter's hand slip around my waist. He leaned in to me and whispered in my ear. I felt his hot breath on my neck, only making me want him more. 
"Later," was all he said but it sent shivers through every vein in my body. Jess just rolled her eyes before jumping down a step. 

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