Overheated. (TW for OCD)

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I woke up in my little room at Carter's house but I didn't feel one bit small. I felt awful. My head was full of images and thoughts and I felt sick to the stomach. My night clothes were strangling me and my nappy felt too tight- but as if it might fall off at any second. I hated it. I ripped the bedsheets off my bed then undressed, nappy and all. I threw the nappy away in the nappy bin. Stripped the bed sheets, leaving an empty duvet cover and pillow cases and took them, along with my pyjamas, downstairs to the washing machine. I quickly put them in, along with the other things around the house and started that up. I then went to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of water and downed it on one.

Sighing, I looked around the room. I could see dirt, dust and misplaced things everywhere and it felt as if a thousand minibeasts were crawling across my skin. Deciding it needed a good clean up and that was the only way to get rid of the creepy crawlies, I climbed onto the counter and began emptying Carter's cupboards. Whilst doing it, I found myself counting, over and over then double and triple checking I was doing this in the right order. I made sure I emptied the left side of the cupboard first and then the right. I placed all the things- jars, sugars, boxes and spices in the middle of the island (making groups of 3 by 3) and began cleaning the cupboards with bleach. The whole time, still counting. Three sprays only for it to be the most clean. Once all the cupboards were cleaned efficiently I began sorting through his items on the island. I put them all in separate groups depending on what they were and lined them up in rows of 3. Anything out of date I threw in the bin. When that was done, I agreed to leave it there for nine minutes and moved the washing from the machine to the dryer. My skin was burning and I scratched at it to try and stop it. Images flashed through my mind and awful sexual thoughts made my stomach turn so I grabbed my hair tightly. I scrunched it three times. I then set on a hunt around the house to find some more things to put in the washer. I found blankets, the dog's things, jackets and walking socks which were full of mud. I put them in the wash and then went back to the kitchen.

However, there stood Carter, hands on hips and eyebrows raised. My stomach twisted. Phoebe came trudging in a few seconds later and looked around the kitchen. Both their eyes then looked me up and down- my naked attire must have shocked them.

"Oh Jess-" Phoebe whispered and put her arms around herself. She had red marks on her cheek from the pillow where she was sleeping.
"Jess. Do you know what time it is?" Carter asked me, firmly. I thought and then I realised that I didn't. I shook my head.
"It's 4 in the morning," he confirmed. His voice was hard but croaky too, as if he'd just woken up and was angry.
"Then go back to bed?" I whispered, wondering if my answer would make him madder.

"How do you think we can go back to bed when you're down here making all this racket?" he groaned, throwing his arms up. I whimpered and lowered my head.

"Don't talk to her like that," Phoebe scolded slightly and I saw her feet come into view. She then crouched down in front of me and looked up at me.

"I'm not little," I huffed slightly, trying to move away from the childish position she'd put me in but her grip on my hands was tight.

"What's going on in your head?" she asked, her voice was as soft as my teddy and her eyes shone with nothing but sympathy. I shuffled under her gaze. I hated talking about it. "Come on, you can tell me."

"N-no," I took a step back and ripped my hands away from hers.

"Jes-" she whined.

"Jess, can you just clean this up quickly so we can go back to bed and in peace?" Carter asked, looking at me. I shook my head. I couldn't do that. If I did that then we'd all get sick next time we ate the food or even used anything from the kitchen.

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