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Before Jafar could even pull over the guys hastily got out of the car.. literally running in the house.

" Isqaar" Naseer shouted going upstairs

"Isqaar.." Ahmed called out.

Just then Jafar also got in

" Where's Ilham ?" He wondered
Naseer came back in the living room

" she's not in her room"

" Nor is Ilham " Ahmed pointed out

" Not in the kitchen" Jafar came back chewing am apple
Naseer glared at him

" where the hell could they be" he panicked

" Come down bud this house has over ten rooms... Let's see"
Ahmed tried positivity

Naseer's heart was already pounding beyond his chest

" They might be in danger why are you calm asshole?" Naseer snapped

Ahmed glared at him..." I'll let that pass simply because you are my best friend..and you are currently very worried.."

" We both are..now let's stop whining and start looking" Jafar assured

" First let's get my gun.. just in case" Ahmed said as they followed him to his study 

They got in the study
" Do you have an extra ?" Naseer asked

Ahmed nodded

" let me get that for you" he walked behind his table to quickly open the drawers. He stopped dead in his tracks

" uh guys..?" His voice laced with hesitation..

Naseer and Jafar looked at him..
" If it's not there leave it..one is enough.." Naseer said

" No..I found it.. I just have to get it from someone.." he said

Naseer and Jafar both looked at him puzzled with his statement
Ahmed sighed

" I found Isqaar.." he said
Naseer was the first to jump up and followed Ahmed behind the desk

He gave a sigh of relief after seeing her on the floor..
He even felt his eyes water

" Umm ..... Is she alive? " Jafar asked

That question was enough to get them all panicked again.

" I'll check " Ahmed said kneeling down he checked her pulse
Then sighed softly

" yep..alive.."

He clarified. Then he carried her into her room.. after a short argument with Naseer about who should carry her.
They now all stood in front of her bed frowning

" Why is she dressed up like that?" Naseer frowned

" Even a better question..why is she carrying a gun?" Ahmed wondered

Jafar looked around.. " Ilham is missing.. does someone see a pattern here?" Jafar tried to point out

Ahmed closed his eyes counting to three.. when he opened then Naseer was raising his brow questioningly at him

" Trying to calm my nerves" Ahmed said

" It doesn't make sense..this house is a high tech support and it's security is not child's play.. so I doubt if they broke in " Jafar said

Ahmed nodded " he's right.. the alarm would have gone off.. and I'd be notified"

Naseer rub the back of his head nervously

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