Happy Birthpain to you...

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She had finally got home..she got in and shut the door behind her...
just as she shut it , she fell on the floor into a crying mess

She screamed..
just letting it all out since she can't do it on his face..
just then she felt her chest tighten
Her breathing hitched and she struggled to breath..

'I shouldn't cry so much'

She warned herself...then dragged herself to her room and picked her meds bottle
to her surprise it was empty..
That's when she recalled how she used the last pill last week ..
She almost wailed...
She then thought

' can't just tell brother..first he is mad at me...'

She tried to ignore the pain but that was almost impossible she gripped the bed for support..
That's when she heard a knock at the door...

'Who could that be?'

She  wondered..then ignored it ,
maybe it would go away
Then another knock ,
only this time,

' Or what if it's your brother and he's hell pissed that you are delaying Him at the door '

Her mind snapped and she almost jumped from her spot rushing to the door composing herself on the way rubbing tears on her cheeks

On reaching the door,she took a long breath...then opened the door

Instead of what she feared..she meet up with one of the most beautiful faces she's ever seen...

correction,the only ..

By the Door was no-one than Mr Ahzar,
her brother's best friend..
and well ...

She's been having a tiny bit of crush on him..
okay fine maybe it is a major crush,but he doesn't have to know that.

He stood in front of her in all his glory, staring down at her
he was tall or maybe she was just short ,
he was clearly typing away something on his phone when she opened the door,

leaning by the door frame he was in his white shirt, her favorite color on him it hugged him perfectly,he folded the sleeves and Three first buttons were undid exposing his ..

'Don't be a creep Issy..'

She snapped her eyes to his face and in a second she was lost in his hazel eyes with a beautiful shade of green..
with a burst of gold radiating outward from his pupils..
his messy hair,some few strands fell on his forehead..

maybe I could push them back..


Someone just cleared his throat..I wonder who..

then it dawned her..
She quickly shut her eyes in embarrassment feeling her cheeks heat up..

She opened them to meet with a Corky smug..and a raised brow

"I don't mind being stared at the whole day,but I'd rather be sitting"

Suddenly she remembered all my pain she had buried inside

She offered him a weak smile though not looking straight at his face as usual when she was about to let him in she lost her balance which she didn't know she was supported by the door

and everything seemed to rise

..oh wait,I'm the one falling,and I was enveloped by dark..and I welcomed it...


He was taken by surprise by her sudden fall..

just a minute ago he was enjoying seeing her gawk at him..
he felt the urge to know what went on in her head ,
when he grunted she was utterly embarrassed by herself...
He thought it was cute

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