His letter

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That's what I am right now.
I did not know what to say, I mean it's not everyday the prime minister of the country visits you in your room.

So yes I did not know what to do, what should I say? Hellow? Howdy? salaam ? How do you do? Good day sir .. wait that's for goodbye right?.

So I stood there in awe. I think he noticed I was shocked because

" May I?" He asked

" oh yes your highness-- "

My eyes widened..I didn't just say that

What the hell Isqaar..

I facepalm myself

" I mean sir..oh God.." I was a stuttering mess so I  decided to shut up

He chuckled when I looked at him his eyes were dancing in amusement

" Sorry" I muttered quietly

" Oh don't be... It's okay I love being a king some day" he said

clearly he was messing with me I could sense it in his voice. 
I smiled back at him then pointed at the couch

" Please sit sir.. "

He smiled warmly taking long strides to the couch. Once he was settled down I sat on the bed.

If I knew the minister was visiting I'd have decorated my room

" You look just like her"

He brought me out of my daze with his comment

" Who?" I frowned

" Sumahya.." he said


He smiled..

Note to myself politicians smile alot

" Your mother" he clarified..

I do not know what surprised me.. that  I didn't know my mother's name or he knew my mom

" You knew my mom?" I asked

" She was a very good friend of mine.. wonderful personality.. good heart and different" he said

" Different?"

" Very different" he clarified

" Like boring?" I asked

" Is different boring to you..?" He asked

I shrugged " I perhaps don't understand different" I said

He smiled


" A Hindi girl eloping with a Pakistani soldier in the mid of the war.. that different"

I laughed " that's crazy.. "

" Then she was crazy" he said " but she made a wonderful wife..mother and friend.. "

Now was my turn to smile..

" I wish I knew her .." I said

" But you do.. she's with you. I hope you know that you did not take her life. She gave her life so you could live.. that was ultimate kind of love"

With him saying that I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders..
I didn't know I was carrying this guilt for so long.. infact I've always carried the guilt of mom's death. Hearing those words made me feel free..

I wiped a tear that had escaped

" Thank you" I said

"No. ..that's the least I could do after neglecting you guys all these years.. Tarun had told me not to get in Naseer's way.. unless he wanted to. So now that he came to me for help it's time I gave you something from your father" he said

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