Holding up

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It wasn't easy..
Re opening the wound for both of them..
Ilham had never actually narrated her experience she had out loud..
So when she did.. it hurted
So much
It was like she walked on all those broken glass with bare feet.

As much as it hurt her.. so did everyone else..
Naseer would never stop blaming himself.
But to Isqaar it was worse.. she blamed herself because it should have been her..
She had risked her life her
It should have been her.

The grieving days came back.
The hurtful memories swarm back..
The pain dug more..
Sleepless nights,
All Ilham's nightmares came back.. she'd scream in her sleep..
Sometimes cry all night
But this time they were together.. they held on with each other.

Ian was a bigger help.. he took both Isqaar and Ilham into therapy..
He had cleared most of his schedule to help them ..

" He's a great guy.." Ilham said to Isqaar one day

Isqaar smiled at that..
" I Know.."

" Do you ever miss Ahmed..?"
Ilham.., true to her promise refrained from speaking about Ahmed. But at times occasionally she wondered

" No.. not anymore.."
Isqaar didn't practically lie.. she really didn't think about him anymore.
To her he was like winter.. or spring
He'd come like a season in her thoughts.. and just like that...

To Camillá things were even harder the first two weeks .. after her friend broke down again she had to manage the diner..
But she'd always make time to come see her..
It didn't take much for her to love Ilham too
To her she was one strong girl.
Just so .. they managed to form a trio..
Always together

As soon as the hurtful days swam in..
better ones flew back.
Everyone was coping just fine..
Issy went back to work.. everyone had missed her and the pressure to go back to work was big..
When Issy introduced Ilham to the diner everyone loved the charming her
She started working as a cook.. in a few days as the word spread in town about the new cook..
The diner was more occupied that they had to add more tables outside

Everything to Isqaar was going great.. at times she wished that this would be her forever..
Her and Ian were the Romeo and Juliet of the Town.
Everyone adored them and truth be told
Every single passing day..
She learnt to adore him more
To him.. he felt a different person. His times with her gave him peace.
Every day was new to him
And everyday
He found new reasons to spend time with her.
He cleared most of his schedule to take her away..
Their dates crossed Virginia and traveled to other States..

" Gah... I'm so jealous of you" Cami pouted it was their Tuesday's girls sleepover

" Both of you" she threw a pillow at Ilham who was now laughing

" Then settle down with one guy.." Isqaar shrugged

" Which one..? Men are dogs" Cami sighed

" There are alot of guys in town Cami.." Ilham said

" It's a small town.. I've met all.."Camillá rolled her eyes

The Tuesdays with her girls made her happy.. but her everyday with Ian made her magical.
She'd recall from time to time how she was insecure before..
Well.. even more the day she had met her..
Ian had told her his ex would stop by to pick her father's report

The statement itself got her standing.. she decided to also drop by..
The minute she stepped in his office she picked her enticing feminine scent..
She had bursted in

Ian had looked up a bit surprised but managed to smile warmly at her..

" Hey sweetheart" he greeted

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