Gifts and wrappers

324 31 7

Third person...

"The plane is about to land fasten your seatbelts ..."

He took a last glance at the girls all cuddled up in that room ..
some were still sniffing.. some slept probably due to exhaustion of crying their lungs out.
He rolled his eyes..he couldn't care less.
He walked back to his seat and fastened the seatbelt..

" Do I have a schedule this week?" He asked the man seated his left.

" A meeting next week .. relaying progress we had in Sri Lanka" the man explained looking at the laptop

He sighed " schedule it today..I want a quiet weekend"

The man gave him a funny look.. " but it's Tuesday today"

He looked at his assistant " did I stutter ?"

The man shook his head

" Good.. my weekend starts on Tuesday" he smirked

Just as soon as the plane landed cars were waiting for them to arrive...which took them straight to Lahore..

" Home sweet home... I didn't know you wanted to meet today" on old man emerged from the door carrying a bottle of whiskey

" I wanted to rest up.. in fact,better now or never"

The old man smiled ..
" I got the progress.. I also got the money for it" he gave a sly smile.. " what will I do without you Ahzar?"

Ahmed smirked " what will you do?"

" Nothing " Sabri laughed

" That was a rhetorical question" Ahmed rolled his eyes.

" Oh" Sabri's cheeks turned a shade of pink

Ahmed quietly sipped his drink..

" Anyway Ahmed..,I'm really happy you're taking over the trade.. we sold alot of girls in the past year.. and that to many parts of Asia.. you deserve a treat.."

" I don't desire for anything.. though.. if you insist, I could think of a few.." Ahmed rose his brow

Sabri laughed " of course...of course.. I'll give you files to my accounts.. buy something nice for yourself"

Ahmed stood smiling
" Well.. that would be all.. I'll give you feedback on the new transaction"

Sabri stood too.. " take your time.."

As Ahmed was at the door , Sabri asked again

" You haven't get any clue on Tarun have you?"

Ahmed's expression was blank and indifferent

" Trust me if I get the information on Naseer.. you'd be the first person I come to"

Sabri laughed content
" I wonder what he did to you"

Ahmed left the room still hearing the faint of his laughter.. he clenched his jaws..

" Sir "

He rose his brow to his assistant by his car.

" I'm driving you home"

" Why don't you prepare the girls for a new destination.. I'll drive myself home " Ahmed said

" Yes sir"

As he was about to leave
" Oh and Hassan"

" Yes sir"

" No one should lay a finger on them... No one" Ahmed said coldly

Hassan shivered at the sinister In his voice.. he lost his voice but still nodded.

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