1-Keep Dreaming

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A/N: Hi! Ok I'm trying something out with starting a story and this is basically the first story I've written where I actually cared about it. I have planned quite a bit of the plot and character development because I really want to finish this story. If you notice I haven't posted in a while do you think you could comment reminding me that you're here and want more of the story (if there's anyone who actually reads this🥺🥲.)  I will probably need motivation to continue going once I'm halfway through cause that's just how I am but I think I can make it work just for you guys..
ANYWHORE I really love all these characters and am proud of how this is going so far so I would really appreciate if you could refrain from leaving any negative comments. If you don't like the story just don't read it because I am a real person who gets affected by things you say : ) Sorry this was a long note but please read it I know it can be annoying but this one is actually important even though most you won't need to. Hope you enjoy ☺️
My name is Livia Acadia Hart. I am a senior at Rockwell High, and am 17 years old.

Here's a bunch of random information about me because why not.

- My lucky number is 8–I like how the top and bottom of it are matching.

- My favorite day of the week is Monday—everyone always hates on Mondays and I felt bad for them.

- I am a vegetarian, well that's kind of a touchy subject so let's ignore that..

- My favorite color is red—I like how bold it is. I aspire to be as bold as the color red.

- I'm an artist—well not officially (like I don't actually make money from it) but I LOVE sketching, graffiti, painting and really any kind of art.

- I love making people feel uncomfortable by addressing awkward subjects head on.

- I am a raging bisexual—just felt the need to put that out there because I have practically made that my entire personality..

- I have a twin brother named Aiden (who's technically the older one, and is very protective over me) and he's practically my other half. I tell him (almost) everything.

- My biggest pet peeve is when people use incorrect grammar.

- The craziest thing I have done while drunk is buy a wedding dress and run into the beach in it—I don't even remember doing this but my friends tell me I did (so does my credit card)

No other random facts are coming to my head at the moment but if anything does I'll let you know.

Anywhore, I'll catch you up on what going on right now. I have 4 best friends, Leila, Kailey, and Jay. We have been best friends since the start of high school and as a result have many nicknames for each other so if I refer to Kailey as K, Leila as LeeLee or Lay, and Jay as JJ know that's who I'm talking about. Also, they call me Livvy or Liv and a variety of other random things.

I tried to drag them to an art gallery. But Kailey used having to "mentally prepare for school" as an accuse not to go. And Jay used the fact that he has a date as an excuse. Leila said she had to get extra sleep but it was 1 pm for Christ's sake so I dragged her here anyway.

She allowed me to drag her on one condition. She picked out my outfit. So I let her.

She put me in a sage green sundress. It reached my mid-thigh and had little white flowers all over it. After much arguing, I convinced her to let me keep my wavy hair down and natural. I actually did love this dress.

Ok let's move this a little faster, you gotta know what's happening before I'm 80. Oh it's the day before my senior year of high school by the way.

Lay and I have arrived at the art gallery and I'm so excited to look at the pieces. I can tell Lay doesn't really want to be here but is pretending she finds the pieces interesting for my sake. It makes me happy to know I have friends that truly care about me.

After almost an hour of looking around the gallery while Leila acts excited for me, I tell her we can leave. She looks relieved, and I smile at this.

I tear my eyes off the piece of artwork I was looking at, and notice a guy looking at the painting next to the piece I was looking at. He's hot. Like really hot.

He has brown hair that looks like he woke up and it was perfect—it annoys me—and piercing green eyes. He has a built figure and looks like he could throw me across the room with zero effort. He has tanned skin, as if he spends hours in the sun every day. He's wearing a necklace with the gold initial A on it.

His head snaps to look at mine and I realize I've been staring for at least two minutes. I don't want to look away though, he is a pretty specimen, so I didn't. I continue looking at him, and just smile. Well more like a grin. I probably looked like a stalker. Oh well.

Leila nudges me and takes my hand, as we start walking towards the exit together. I don't look away from pretty boy though.

"Keep dreaming." Pretty boy says me as we walk past him. I stop abruptly.

"I will, just not about you." I snap back.

"Your eyes were saying something different."

"I'm sorry if I like to observe the things around me. I like to appreciate my life and all it's settings and experiences before I die." I bluntly reply.

"Oh really? Are you sure it isn't just because I'm hot." He deadpans, and I need to get the last word in.

"Why can't it be both?" I wink at him while giving him a mocking smile before continuing to walk to the exit, still holding Lay's hand as she gives me a knowing smile.

Once we've exited the gallery, my confidence turns into a huge grin.

"You're in love with him aren't you?" She states.

"Lee-Lee can't you see it?" I dramatically outline a canvas in the air. "We're soulmates." I fall into her arms, feigning feeling faint. "This will be such a great story to tell our kids." I exclaim, still using my extra dramatic and sarcastic voice sounding slightly like I'm from Bridgeton.

"Who will be absolutely stunning because oh my god is he hot. Well I don't really want children but THEORETICALLY!"

"I shot being the maid of honor!" She adds.

"Of course, you were the one who was there when I met my soulmate, the love of my life, my future partner in crime!" I stop. "But how will I ever find him? I just call him pretty boy in my head! It's not like I can just google pretty boy and stalk all his socials!" I put my hand against my forehead with the palm out.

I was pretending this was all an act but I honestly did want to be his friend. Plus he's so hot.

Leila knows me too well to think I'm completely pretending.

"If it's fate that's he's your enemy and soon to be lover then you will meet him again. If you see him again then you are meant to be and he's actually your soulmate, deal?" She somehow manages to calm me down without bursting my bubble. This is why I love Lay.

I hold out my hand for her to shake as if we're betting on something.

She takes it.
A/N: I hope you liked that! I'm really proud of myself but I guess we'll see where this goes! Also you still haven't met the literal love of my life so mentally prepare for that!
Kisses 💋

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