2-First day

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It was the next day and I was in the car with Aiden. He drives me to school, even though I have my license and am perfectly capable of driving he always does. Not for any reason other than he likes feeling like the older one and I like to do my hair (since I don't usually use heat on it) and makeup in the car.

I was wearing a pastel pink tank top corset and mom jean with rips in them. I was wearing my Air Force 1's which I painted lilacs on the sides. I put on a light makeup look, just some concealer to cover up the fact that I got barely 2 hours of sleep and some highlighter and blush.

I'm currently doing my blonde hair, braiding the two front strands. I look in the car mirror while tying the ends of my braids into two ponytails.

Keep it moving by Olivia O'Brien comes on and I start vibing, and singing to it. Aiden look at me laughing at my dances, before joining in and singing with me, knowing every lyric. Of course he would.

We arrive at school and I say goodbye to Aiden, sending a quick text to the group chat with K, JJ, and Lay. The chat is named "my main hoes🤪". Pretty self explanatory. You are not allowed to judge their contact names though.

Me: I'm gonna go to my locker to drop off all my notebooks so I don't have to carry them all day
Jay the Gay: I already dropped off mine so..meet u there
Lee-Lee crazy bitch🔪: I'm running late
Lee-Lee crazy bitch🔪: abt to leave my house
K my wifey🥰💍: couldve guessed that would happen
Lee-Lee crazy bitch 🔪: fuck u
K my wifey 🥰💍: liv im at ur locker
Jay the Gay: i see u K
Me: already? I'm still in the parking lot
Me: gimme a min

I put my phone in my bra and walk to my locker, since I have the same one as last year I know the way.

"Hey bae," I say to K as I approach my locker. I give her a hug before seeing Jay standing on the other side of her looking offended that I didn't greet him. "Hey other bae." I tell him.

"You're cheating on me?!" Kailey says, being the dramatic ass bitch she is.

"I swear it meant nothing!" I go along with it.

"You bitch! I meant nothing to you!" Jay yells at me, slapping me.

"Fuck that actually hurt." I say, rubbing my cheek.

"Oops." JJ says not sounding sorry at all.

"Now who's the bitch." I say glaring at him.

"So how was the art gallery?" Kailey asks.

"Ohmygod I have so much to tell you! I forgot you don't know! Ok so I met my soulmate yesterday!!" I pause for dramatic effect but they just give me blank stares, not the response I wanted but I continue anyways. "I met this dude at the art gallery who was hot like really hot and totally my type. I was staring at him cause well you know how I tend to do that. He said "keep dreaming" and then we had this whole flirty banter thing going and I got the last word in and model strutted out of there." I say it all in one breath.

"What did he look like?" Jay gushes.

"What's his name?" Kailey questions.

"How old is he?" Jay asks yet another questions.

"How long did you talk for?" So does Kailey.

"Jesus, he had brown messy-ish hair, green eyes, he was like twice my size, and tan skin. His name starts with an A, I know this from an initial necklace. He looked around our age and we talked for like a minute and a half. I know absolutely nothing about him besides what I've told you but if it's fate I'll meet him again."

Kailey looks skeptical but gives me a reassuring smile anyways. Jay just full on laughs, taking my hand while saying "you're so cute."

I have my first class, English with K and Lay but JJ has Chem first so we part ways since the bell is going to ring in two minutes.

We see Leila rushing through the doors of the class approximately ten seconds before the bell rings, sliding into a seat next to me.

"Hello class my name is Ms. Reid I will be your English teacher for this year." She continues saying something but I don't really hear.

I hate when teachers tell you what subject they teach as if we can't read our schedules. Do they really think we're that dumb?

I lose my train of thought when I see a certain pretty boy walk into our class.

"So glad you decided to join us. I presume you are Ashton Rivera." Ms. something or other says.

"That would be me." He says, his deep voice holds a bit of teasing that the teacher clearly didn't pick up on. Leila kicks me,

"ITS FUCKING FATE!" She whispers to me.

"Oh my god the deal! He's my soulmate!" Kailey gives me a questioning look.

"That's my soulmate! Pretty boy from yesterday!" I whisper to her.

"Any guy named Ashton is cute that is a fact." She whispers back.

"I didn't actually think you would ever see him again when I told you that yesterday but now I actually think it has to be fate!" Leila whispers to us.

"Miss.." The teacher trails of not knowing what Lay's name is.

"Leila Hale."

"Miss Hale, do you have something to share with the class?"

"No Ms. Reece." Leila replies unsure of the teachers name, so it out more like a question.

"Ms. Reid." She corrects "And please sit down and be quiet."

I scribble down ha I can't believe you got her name wrong and pass the paper to Lay.

She replies by flipping me off and I can't help but laugh. Ms. Reid gives me a stern look and I shut up.

Ashton, I notice, has been staring at me. He obviously recognizes me from yesterday.

I do the only thing a normal person would do.

'Keep dreaming' I mouth.
A/N: How did you like it? I love this chapter. First because her mouthing keep dreaming is a badass move, second because her friend group is really cute. Anywhore I'm writing this at like 1 am and I'm too tired to edit so I apologize if there's any typos or something.
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Kisses 💋

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